Dear all,
After 5 Seasons of the One World Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) Seminar<…>, launched in April 2020 to gather members and disseminate results and innovation during those weeks and months under lockdown, we have now decided to launch a "new" seminar series, the One World Approximate Bayesian Inference (OWABI) Seminar<…>, to better reflect the broader interest and scope of this series, which goes beyond ABC. In particular, simulation-based inference and ML related techniques will play a crucial role. We are also please to announce that Stefan Radev<> <> has joined the OWABI Organiser Team.
The 1st OWABI talk will be given by Ullrich Koethe<> (University of Heidelberg), who will talk about "Free-form flows for physics-informed generative modeling" on Thursday the 31st October at 11am UK time.
Abstract: The talk first introduces a useful categorization of the (sometimes confusing) "generative model zoo" in terms of different change-of-variables formulas. It then shows how normalizing flows, a major architecture for generative neural networks, can be used for simulation-based Bayesian inference in the sciences. Finally, it proposes free-form flows to simplify the incorporation of physical prior knowledge, e.g. rotation and translation invariance or the restriction of the distribution to a manifold, into generative models.
Keywords: normalizing flows; physical-informed neural networks; simulation-based inference
The talk will be streamed on MS Teams:
Join the meeting now<…>
Meeting ID: 394 858 339 716
Passcode: qLKarj
We are looking forward to seeing you all,
Massimiliano on the behalf of the OWABI Organisers
Dr. Massimiliano Tamborrino
Reader (Associate Professor) and WIHEA Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick
Ricevo ed inoltro questa opportunità per un Postdoc presso la Stockholm
University con il mio collaboratore Mathias Lindholm
<>, Associate Professor.
Deadline: November 1, 2024
Interessi di ricerca di Mathias: Applied Probability/ Finance and Insurance
Per ulteriori informazioni: lindholm(a)
Gabriele Pittarello
Il giorno lun 21 ott 2024 alle ore 13:56 Mathias Millberg Lindholm <
lindholm(a)> ha scritto:
This year's call for the Sverker Lerheden postdoc fellowships at the math
department in Stockholm is now open and it closes on November 1. This is a
call within all areas of mathematics, and focus will be on persons early on
in their career. More information about the position can be found here:…
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the
application, projects etc. (lindholm(a)
This is an annual call that typically opens up in October, if you'd be
interested some other year.
Dear all,
a gentle reminder of the mini-course by Michael Yampolsky. It will be also
possible to follow the lectures remotely at the link given in the message
Kind regards
Stefano Marmi
Dear all,
In the next few weeks Prof. Michael Yampolsky (University of Toronto
Mississauga) will give a series of 4 lectures on*“Computability and
Computational Complexity Questions in Dynamics”* at the Scuola Normale
Superiore in Pisa. The lectures will take place on Thursdays October 24 and
31 and November 7 and 14, at* 4:30* pm in* Aula Volterra*, Piazza dei
Cavalieri 7 and will be streamed online.
Please find below the title and abstract of the first lecture (Thursday
October 24) and the relative zoom link.
*October 24:* *Computability and computational complexity in dynamics: can
we trust numerical predictions of limiting behavior of orbits?*
The development of the modern subject of dynamical systems went
hand-in-hand with numerical modeling. However, the theoretical basis of
such modeling has remained largely unexplored and offers exciting
challenges. What can and cannot be computed about the behavior of a
dynamical system? I will give an overview of some of the recent results and
directions of study.
*Zoom link* :
Below you can find titles and abstracts of the next lectures.
*October 31:* *Don’t believe your lying eyes: (non)-computability of Julia
The talk will be a deep dive into the question of computability and
computational complexity of Julia sets. Their fractal images are among the
most-computed pictures in all of mathematics. But can we trust what these
computations show? The results are surprising, and involve some beautiful
complex analysis. The talk will be based on my work with M. Braverman, as
well as more recent results obtained with A. Dudko, C. Rojas, and others.
*November 7:* *How to lose at Monte Carlo: computing statistical behavior
of dynamical systems.*
Introduced by Ulam and von Neumann in the 1940s, Monte Carlo technique
remains the most ubiquitous tool for statistical modeling. Surprisingly,
our recent work with C. Rojas shows that such modeling probably fails for
some very simple dynamical systems. I will present this theorem and discuss
the resulting mathematical challenges.
*November 14:* *Thurston versus Turing: algorithmic hardness of classifying
finite dynamical systems.*
Historically, the algorithmic aspects of classification problems have
motivated much of the research in geometric topology (knot theory,
classification of surfaces and 3-manifolds, etc). These questions are also
very fruitful in dynamics. I will discuss the joint results with N.
Selinger, K. Rafi and others on algorithmic decidability of Thurston
equivalence and the connection with geometrization questions in dynamics.
Best wishes,
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Dear all,
I am glad to announce that on October 31st 2024 the University of Bologna will host the Halloween Conference on the financial risk management issues raised by cyber-risk. As in the typical structure of the Halloween Conferences on Risk Management hosted within the Graduate Course in Quantitative Finance, the actual conference will be preceded by a two day tutorial to prepare the audience. Participation is free, but registration is mandatory. The complete program, including link for registration can be found at the link
Link for on-line participation will be provided right before the conference.
Best wishes,
Dear collegues,
we are glad to announce the**
*1st Workshop on Data Science for Health and Biology (DS4HB),*
jointly organized by Politecnico di Milano and Human Technopole, which
will take place at *Politecnico di Milano on April 7-9, 2025*.
DS4HB will bring together the brightest minds in data science,
healthcare, and biology for a unique event designed to inspire dialogue,
collaboration, and innovation in this multidisciplinary research field.
The workshop is organized in 3 thematic days - *Data Science for
Omics* (Day 1), *Data Science for Imaging* (Day 2) and *Data Science for
Electronic Health Records* (Day 3) - and offers a broad landscape of
invited talks, panel discussions, training and networking events.
Featuring a diverse blend of perspectives and internationally renowned
speakers, DS4HB provides a platform for cutting-edge ideas to flourish
and for the next generation of researchers to learn from the leaders
shaping the future of the life sciences.
Discover more at _
Registration and poster submission will open soon.
Politecnico di Milano and Human Technopole are two leading Italian
institutions at the forefront of advancing data science in biology,
precision medicine and health-related research.
DS4HB is promoted by the _Health Analytics
<>_ and
_Statistical Learning
<>_ groups of the _MOX
laboratory <>_ within the _Mathematical Department
of Politecnico <>_, and the _Health Data
Science Center
<>_ of
_Human Technopole <>_.
We look forward to meeting you all in Milan next April!
Best regards
Francesca Ieva (chair)
on behalf of the Scientific and Organizing committees of DS4HB
Anna Maria Paganoni
MOX - Modeling and Scientific Computing
Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Brioschi"
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
I-20133 Milano - Italy
tel. +39 02 2399 4574
fax. +39 02 2399 4568
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the following SPASS seminar, jointly
organized by UniPi, SNS, UniFi and UniSi (abstract below):
*Stationary distribution of node2vec random walks on household models*
by *Lars Schroeder* (University of Twente)
The seminar will take place on *TUE, 22.10.2024* at* 11:00 CET* in Aula
Tricerri, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica "Ulisse Dini", UNIFI and
streamed online at this link <>.
The organizers,
A. Agazzi, G. Bet, A. Caraceni, F. Grotto, G. Zanco
*Stationary distribution of node2vec random walks on household models*
*Abstract: node2vec random walks are tuneable random walks that come from
the popular computer science algorithm node2vec which is used for feature
learning on networks. The transition probabilities of the random walks
depend on the previous visited node and on the triangles that contain the
current and the previous node. Even though the algorithm is very popular in
the field of computer science, mathematical properties of the random walks
almost have not been explored. We will present results on the stationary
distribution of these random walks on household models and compare it with
the simple random walk.*
Martedi 22 Ottobre 2024, presso il Collegio Carlo Alberto, in Piazza
Arbarello 8, Torino, si terrà il seguente seminario:
Speaker: Beatrice Acciaio (ETH Zurich)
Title: *Stretched Brownian Motion and Bass local-volatility model*
The concept of stretched Brownian motion (SBM) has been introduced by
Backhoff-Veraguas et al (2020) as the unique solution to a dynamic
formulation of the martingale transport problem. The name originates from
the characteristic of mimicking as closely as possible the movement of a
Brownian particle, while fitting the prescribed marginals. Conze and
Henry-Labordere (2021) suggested a fixed-point iteration scheme for the
computation of the SBM. In this talk I will review fundamental results for
the SMB and provide convergence results of the fixed-point iteration. This
constitutes the building block for the computation of the Bass local
volatility model, which is a Markov model perfectly calibrated to vanilla
options for finite maturities, and an approximation of the Dupire local
volatility model.
[Based on a joint work with A. Marini and G. Pammer.]
Sarà possibile seguire entrambi i seminari anche in streaming:
Join Zoom Meeting
I seminari sono organizzati dalla "de Castro" Statistics Initiative
Pierpaolo De Blasi
University of Torino & Collegio Carlo Alberto
ricevo e con piacere inoltro.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Inhomegenous Random <inter(a)>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 at 16:29
Subject: January 28-29 IRS 2025 Conference Announcement
To: <faggiona(a)>
Dear Colleagues,
This is the first announcement for the two-day conference on:
which will be held on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 January 2025
at Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.
You will find in attachment a PDF file of the announcement
with the same informations as below which you may print and post up.
Looking forward to meeting you in Paris,
Christian Maes, Kirone Mallick, Ellen Saada.
Systemes Aleatoires Inhomogenes
January 28-29, 2025
Institut Henri Poincaré
11-13, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
The aim of this annual workshop is to bring together
mathematicians and physicists working on disordered or random
systems, and to discuss recent developments on themes of
common interest. Each of the two days is devoted to a
specific topic; the 2025 session is planned as follows.
Tuesday 28 January:
Moderator: Jean-Christophe Mourrat (Lyon).
Spin glasses are models of statistical mechanics characterized by
disordered interactions and complex energy landscapes. They serve as
fundamental examples of complex systems, providing insights into
various scientific fields. This event will bring together different
perspectives from mathematics, physics, and computer science,
showcasing recent developments and promising research directions.
Speakers: Leticia Cugliandolo (Paris), Brice Huang (Boston),
Antoine Maillard (Paris), Remi Monasson (Paris),
Guilhem Semerjian (Paris), Eliran Subag (Rehovot),
Pierfrancesco Urbani (Saclay).
Wednesday 29 January:
Moderator: Wojciech De Roeck (Leuven)
Experimental marvels like cold atoms are allowing us to probe
many-body Hamiltonian dynamics in a very detailed way, bringing into
focus questions that might have seemed almost philosophical in
earlier decades. One of the surprises from these experiments is that
such systems often fail to thermalize. Phenomena like `localization',
`quantum scars' and various types of glassy behaviour are ubiquitous
in these simple quantum systems, whereas they do not seem so common
in condensed matter platforms. This day brings together several
specialists from this field.
Speakers: Marin Bukov (Dresden), François Huveneers (London),
Andrea De Luca (Cergy), David Luitz (Bonn),
Markus Mueller (Vienna), Silvia Pappalardi (Koeln),
Simone Warzel (Muenchen).
The conference is free and open to all.
To facilitate local organization, please register in advance
by sending an e-mail to:
inter(a) with subject: IRS 2025
and the following informations:
Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Institution:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Address:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Email:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You may also consult the conference web page at:
Christian Maes Kirone Mallick
Theoretische Fysica Physique Théorique, IPhT
KU Leuven, Belgium CEA, Saclay
Ellen Saada
Mathématiques, MAP5
CNRS, Université Paris Cité
Partially supported by CNRS, Université Paris Cité, CEA
and KU Leuven.
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 123, first floor
Apologies for cross-posting
The 2025 Objective Bayes (O'Bayes) Methodology Conference will be held in
Athens, Greece, from June 8 to 12, 2025.
Information about the conference is available on the website
Please note that registration for the O'Bayes25 meeting is now open.
Please visit the site
and register before the end of February (for regular registration fees).
The conference will feature invited presentations and discussions by
several experts in Objective Bayes methodology. It will also feature
contributions in the form of poster presentations. The deadline for
poster proposals is February 28, 2025. Junior participants are eligible
for travel grants that could provide (at least partial) support. Please
have a look at the corresponding section on the webpage for instructions on
submitting poster proposals.
Hope to see you in Athens, next June!
Brunero Liseo
on behalf of the O'Bayes 2025 Scientific Committee
Merlise Clyde, Duke University, USA
Anabel Forte, University of Valencia, Spain
Peter Grunwald, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands
Brunero Liseo (Chair), Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
Alexandra Schmidt, McGill University, Canada
Abel Rodriguez, University of Washington, USA
Cristiano Villa, Duke Kunshan University, China
Brunero Liseo
*Dip. di metodi e modelli per il territorio, l'economia e la finanza *
*Sapienza Università di Roma*
*Viale Castro Laurenziano, 9 Roma I-00161 *Tel. +39 06 49766973
Fax +39 06 4957606
ricevo ed inoltro
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Pedro Delicado Useros <pedro.delicado(a)>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 at 19:58
Subject: Fwd: Pre-doctoral position in Barcelona / Contracte predoctoral a
Barcelona / Contrato predocotral en Barcelona
To: Pedro Delicado Useros <pedro.delicado(a)>
(Catalan and Spanish versions follow)
Dear friends,
We are looking for candidates for a 4-year pre-doctoral contract to develop
a PhD thesis in our research group, in Barcelona. Please find more details
in the attached documents.
I would be grateful if you could share this offer with potential
Thanks in advance,
Pedro Delicado
Benvolguts amics,
estem buscant candidats per a un contracte predoctoral de 4 anys per
desenvolupar una tesi doctoral al nostre grup de recerca, a Barcelona.
Trobareu més detalls als documents adjunts.
Us agrairia que compartiu aquesta oferta amb candidats potencials.
Gràcies per endavant,
Pedro Delicado
Estimados amigos,
estamos buscando candidatos para un contrato predoctoral de 4 años para
desarrollar una tesis doctoral en nuestro grupo de investigación, en
Barcelona. Encontraréis más detalles en los documentos adjuntos.
Os agradecería que compartierais esta oferta con posibles candidatos.
Gracias de antemano,
Pedro Delicado
Pedro Delicado
Departament d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Despatx 211, Edifici C5, Campus Nord
C/ Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona (SPAIN)
Tel: (34) 93 401 5698
Fax: (34) 93 401 5855
e-mail: pedro.delicado(a)
Web address:
Enea G. Bongiorno,
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale - Amedeo Avogadro
Via Perrone 18, 28100, Novara, Italia
Phone: +390321375317
IWFOS 2025
6th International Workshop on Functional and Operatorial Statistics - <>
Math-Stat Seminars at UPO