Kolmogorov meets Turing II
Workshop on probabilistic methods for the analysis of stochastic processes
and randomized algorithms
Where: Macroarea di Ingegneria, Universita Tor Vergata di Roma. Via del
Politecnico, Roma - Aula Leonardo.
When: Tuesday November 24th, 2015, 2:30 - 6:30 pm
Following the spirit of the first edition held in Sapienza University of
Rome, the goal of this workshop
is to offer a multidisciplinary perspective over recent research
directions in different areas, including applied probability theory,
discrete mathematics and algorithmics, whose common denominator is the
application of probabilistic tools to the analysis
of complex stochastic processes and algorithms.
2:30 - 3:20. Luca Trevisan (UC Berkeley): Beating the random assignment on
constraint satisfaction problems of bounded degree.
3:20 - 4:10. Stefano Leonardi (Univ. La Sapienza): Simple and efficient
mechanisms for bayesian auctions.
4:10 - 4:50. Coffee Break
4:50 - 5:40. Fabio Martinelli (Univ. Roma Tre): Dynamics of lattice
triangulations on thin rectangles.
5:40 - 6:30. Francesco Pasquale (Univ. Tor Vergata): Stabilizing Consensus
It is free but participants should send an email to clementi - at -
by November 14th with subject KMT_II
Organizing committee: Luca Becchetti, Andrea Clementi, Emanuele Natale,
Francesco Pasquale