ricevo e con piacere inoltro
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Teta, Alessandro <teta(a)mat.uniroma1.it>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 at 09:46
Subject: Seminario di "Matematica, Scienza e Società"
Annuncio seminario di
Lunedì 13 gennaio 2025, alle ore 17.00
Aula Levi-Civita del Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo di Sapienza
Università di Roma
*Mirko degli Esposti* (Università di Bologna)
*A.I. Fakes you: Riflessioni su entropia, irreversibilità e intelligenza
Essere o non essere? Vero o falso? Creatività o plagio? Opera originale o
copia? Lo sviluppo di nuovi modelli di Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa
ci pone quotidianamente di fronte a “dati sintetici” sempre più complessi e
sempre più “indistinguibili” da quelli reali. Da fisico matematico mi
divertirò a descrivere il loro funzionamento, il loro impatto e il loro
prevedibile futuro, usando come guida due concetti fondamentali della
fisica: l’entropia e l’irreversibilità.
_________________ _ __________________
*I seminari di Matematica, Scienza e Società sono dedicati
all'approfondimento storico e critico di aspetti della matematica e dei
suoi rapporti con la scienza e con la società. I seminari hanno carattere
interdisciplinare e sono rivolti a studenti, dottorandi, docenti
universitari e docenti della scuola secondaria di secondo grado. **I
seminari si svolgono presso il Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo di
Sapienza Università di Roma.*
*Gli organizzatori*
*F. Dell'Isola (Università di L'Aquila), M. Pulvirenti (Sapienza Università
di Roma),* *E. Rogora (Sapienza Università di Roma), B. Scoppola
(Università di Roma Tor Vergata), **A. Teta (Sapienza Università di Roma)*
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 123, first floor
Ricevo e inoltro con piacere.
Vittoria Silvestri
Vittoria Silvestri
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
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Da: Nathanael Berestycki <nberestycki(a)gmail.com>
Date: lun 6 gen 2025 alle ore 18:28
Subject: 6-year position in probability, University of Vienna
To: Ilya Chevyrev <ichevyrev(a)gmail.com>
Dear friends and colleagues,
The University of Vienna is advertising a 6-year university assistant
(postdoc) position within the probability group.
The job ad can be found here
the deadline is January 20th, 2025.
The current salary is 66532 euros per year and the position includes some
light teaching duties.
We would be grateful if you could pass this to any suitable candidate.
Feel free to contact me or Ilya Chevyrev
<https://ilyachevyrev.wordpress.com/> (who will be joining us with high
probability in April, and in cc) for any questions.
See also the webpage
<https://sites.google.com/view/probabilityinvienna/home> of the Vienna
probability community to get an idea of who is there and what is going on
We also take this chance to wish you all a happy and healthy new year!
Kind regards,
Ilya and Nathanael
Dear all,
you are all invited to participate to the following seminar on *Wednesday
8th of January 2025 at 16:00* in Aula Seminari Demografica 2062 at
University of Milano Bicocca (via degli Arcimboldi 8, Milano - building U7,
2nd floor):
Speaker: *Giulia Di Nunno* (University of Oslo)
Titolo: Utility maximisation and change of variable formulas for
time-changed dynamics
We target the problem of expected utility maximisation of the terminal
wealth in a semimartingale setting, where the semimartingale is written in
terms of a time-changed Brownian motion and a finite variation process. As
for the time-change we consider a general increasing stochastic process
with finitely many jumps.
To tackle this problem we present change of variable formulas for
stochastic integrals w.r.t. the time-changed Brownian motion and we use
techniques of enlargement of filtrations. The focus is on power and
logarithmic utility.
The presentation is based on joint work with Hannes Haferkorn
(Commerzbank), Asma Khedher (U. Amsterdam), and Michèle Vanmaele (U. Ghent).
The talk can be followed also in streaming at the following link:
Best wishes,
Emanuela Rosazza Gianin
Dipartimento di Statistica e Metodi Quantitativi
Università di Milano-Bicocca
e-mail: emanuela.rosazza1(a)unimib.it
Dear Colleagues,
We are glad to advertise the 29th International Conference on Statistical Physics which will be held in Florence (Firenze) in the week July 13-18, 2025.
Details on programme and registration can be found at the webpage https://statphys29.org/
It is worth stressing that the submission of abstracts for short oral or poster presentations is still open until January 7, 2025, and contributions from mathematicians working in the key selected topics are more than welcome, see https://statphys29.org/abstract/ for more details.
On behalf of the local committee,
Luca Avena
*Apologies for cross-posting*
*Robust Statistics: Theory and Computation
*Ispra (Varese), 15-17 May 2025*
The School on Robust Statistics which will precede the International
Conference on Robust Statistics (ICORS 2025), is an educational event
designed for students, early-career researchers, but also experienced
professionals seeking to deepen their expertise in the field of robust
statistics. The school will offer a unique opportunity to learn from
authoritative statisticians who are shaping the future of data science. The
program is structured to combine theoretical insights with practical
applications, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of
robust methods and their relevance in modern data science.
Whether you are a student just beginning your journey into robust
statistics or an experienced researcher looking to stay at the forefront of
the field, this school provides an opportunity to learn, connect, and grow
in an intellectually stimulating environment.
*Lectures will be delivered in English.*
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission Ispra, Italy
Registrations will open on January 15 at this link:
No registration fees are to be paid.
*Rik Lopuhaä <https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/instructors/rik-lopuhaa/> **-
Department of Mathematics, TU Delft, NL*
*Abhik Ghosh <https://www.isical.ac.in/~abhik.ghosh/>* *- Indian
Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India*
*Peter Rousseeuw
<https://www.kuleuven.be/wieiswie/en/person/00051939>* – *Statistics
and Data Science, KU Leuven, BE*
*Marco Riani <https://riani.unipr.it/>** - **Department of Economics and
Management, University of Parma, IT*
*Valentin Todorov <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4215-0245> - **United
Nations Industrial Development Organization: Vienna, AT*
More information at* https://datascience.maths.unitn.it/icors2025/school.html
The ICORS 2025 Organizing Committee
- Claudio Agostinelli (University of Trento)
- Francesca Greselin (University of Milano Bicocca)
- Domenico Perrotta (Joint Research Center)
- Marco Riani (University of Parma)
Si segnala il bando per cinquantaquattro posti da ricercatore a tempo
determinato in regime di tempo pieno nell'ambito del Programma per Giovani
Ricercatori “Rita Levi Montalcini”, pubblicato in Gazzetta Ufficiale il 16
dicembre 2024.
La scadenza per la compilazione e chiusura on-line delle domande è alle ore
24.00 del *15 GENNAIO 2025*.
Per altre informazioni: https://bandomontalcini.mur.gov.it/
Auguri di buone festività natalizie e buon anno nuovo a tutti,
Antonio Di Crescenzo
*Doctoral Colloquium on Risk Analytics, Ca' Foscari, U. Venice
*A joint initiative of Collegio Internazionale Ca’ Foscari CICF (team
leader), IUSS Pavia, IMT Lucca, SISSA Trieste, Scuola di Studi Superiori
Carlo Urbani in Camerino, Scuola di Studi Superiori Giacomo Leopardi in
Macerata, Scuola Superiore F. Rossi in Torino, Scuola Superiore
Universitario Di Toppo Wassermann in Udine *
* Aims and scope*
The Colloquium is an *honour course *for Doctoral students interested in
analytical (both theoretical and applied) methods for the measurement,
management and mitigation of risks, organized in four sessions. The span of
risks considered ranges from standard economic, financial or insurance
risks, to emerging ones, such as environmental, climate and cyber risks.
The approach is in-depth and multidisciplinary, with lectures, assignments
and discussion of the results. *The course is organized into four sessions.*
Students are *PhD candidates from Italian or Foreign Universities*, who
remain affiliated with their Doctoral School. Students may apply for a
session at a time, but need to attend the whole session. They may get
credits for the courses taken within the Colloquium.
The maximum number of students per session is 25. *A group of up to 20
students will be offered full refund for travel and lodging expenses*. 5
additional students, including further Doctoral Students, Postdocs, Junior
Faculty, or PhDs working in the industry, can be admitted at their own
San Servolo Island, Venice
San Servolo
*When and on what *(see also below)
Four two-weeks sessions on:
1) February, 23 - March, 8, 2025, *Modern risk measurement*;
2) July, 26 - August, 9, 2025, *New challenges on long-run risks*;
3) September , 14 - 27, 2025, *AI for Risk*;
4) January, 18 - 31, 2026, *Networks and risk propagation*.
*Each session offers two courses*. Each course is delivered over 20 hours
over one week (10 days if more), combining frontal teaching, office
hours/discussions, assignments and presentation of research by the
Students can apply for the first session starting from *December 20th 2024*,
through the following site
DoCRA <https://www.unive.it/pag/49801/>
Each PhD student will be asked to provide a recommendation letter from
her/his PhD coordinator.
Acceptance of qualified applicants will be done on a first-in basis.
*Applications for the second, third and fourth session will open one week
after the closing of the previous session.*
*Sessions and Lecturers*
*Session 1: Modern risk measurement *
Week 1: Alfred Muller, U. Siegen, *Measuring and Comparing risks*
Week 2: Hansj¨org Albrecher, University of Lausanne, *Emerging Risks for
Actuaries: NatCat Insurance and Climate Change*
*Session 2: New challenges on long-run
risks *
Week 1: Max Croce, U. Bocconi,* Macro FinTech*
Week 2: Fabio Trojani, Swiss Finance Institute and U. Torino, *Model free
pricing and estimation of financial risks*
*Session 3: AI for Risk *
Week 1: Stefano Favaro, U. Torino and CCA, *Predictive uncertainty in
Machine Learning with conformal inference*
Week 2: Christa Cuchiero, U. Vienna, *Concepts of Deep Learning and
Applications to Finance and Risk Management*
*Session 4: Networks and risk propagation
Week 1: Remco Hofstad, Eindhoven U. of Technology, *Title* *TBA*
Week 2: Alireza Tazbah-Salehi, Northwestern University, *Title TBA*
*The organizers*: Elisa Luciano, Mavira Mancino, Marco Corazza, Marco Li
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to announce the upcoming Summer School PREDICT-PRobabilistic
mEthoDs In Complex geometry
taking place at *Como Lake*, from *June 16 to June 20, 2025*.
The aim of this school is to explore how probabilistic techniques can be
applied to central problems in complex geometry, with a special focus on
the construction of Kähler-Einstein metrics—a topic of significant interest
in both geometry and physics.
Highlights of the Program:
Foundational Mini-Courses:
- *“*Large deviation theory and selected applications*” *Frank den
Hollander (Leiden), Marco Zamparo (Uniupo)
- *"Kähler geometry & Monge-Ampère equations**”* Eleonora Di Nezza
Advanced Lectures:
- *"**Probabilistic contruction of Kähler-Einstein metrics”*, Rolf
Andreasson (Chalmers), Robert Berman (Chalmers), Jakob Hultgren (Umeå)
- *"**Random holomorphic sections and their zeros”*, Alexander
Drewitz (Cologne), Bingxiao Liu (Cologne), George Marinescu (Cologne)
- *"**The discrete Gaussian free field on a compact manifold”*,
Alessandra Cipriani (UCL)
This multidisciplinary program is designed for participants with diverse
backgrounds, aiming to provide a solid foundation and foster innovative
approaches to understanding and applying probabilistic methods in complex
Whether you are a researcher in geometry, probability, or related fields,
this school offers a unique opportunity to gain insights and connect with
others exploring this cutting-edge area.
*Registration and Application:*
- Here
<https://sites.google.com/view/predictcomolake/registration?authuser=0> all
the information about registration. In particular: to pre-register, please
fill in this form <https://forms.gle/URhYRvBDngXKLps46> *by February 21,
- For questions, please contact us at predictcomo2025(a)gmail.com
We look forward to welcoming you in Como!
Warm regards,
The organisers
Luisa Andreis, Daniele Angella, Luca Avena, Giovanni Bazzoni, Gianmarco Bet
e Michela Zedda
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce the fourth installment of the
(SPDEvent IV) that will be held at the University of
Germany, May 21st-23rd 2025
The SPDEvent will provide a platform to young researchers working on
stochastic partial differential equations and broadly related fields,
allowing them to network, exchange ideas, present their own research and
initiate collaborations. The event is meant exclusively for Phd students
and Postdocs.
All details are provided on the conference web page
Please register for the event using the form before March 8th.
To those requiring it, financial support can be provided in the form of
the hotel stay. We explicitly encourage female researchers to register.
We would appreciate if you would forward this message to anybody who
might be interested in attending and are looking forward to welcoming
you in Bielefeld,
The organizers,
Florian Bechtold
Stefanie Berkemeier
Theresa Lange
Eliseo Luongo
Umberto Pappalettera