Si informa che alla pagina web
è stato pubblicato il bando per un *assegno di ricerca biennale nel
settore SECS-S/06 (13/D4)* con scadenza il 16/02/2015.
Si tratta di un assegno d'area della durata di 24 mesi per lo
svolgimento di attività di collaborazione alla ricerca nel settore
scientifico disciplinare SECS-S/06 (13/D4) presso il Dipartimento di
Economia dell'Università Ca' Foscari Venezia.
Si richiede la presentazione da parte del candidato di un progetto di
In particolare si sollecita la presentazione di progetti sui modelli e
metodi per la valutazione, che potranno essere relativi alla valutazione
della ricerca scientifica, alla valutazione di strumenti finanziari,
alla valutazione di strutture della pubblica amministrazione ecc.
Si invitano tutti gli interessati a presentare domanda.
Cordiali saluti
Antonella Basso
Antonella Basso
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Fondamenta S. Giobbe - Cannaregio 873
30121 Venezia - Italy
Tel. +39-041-2346914 - Fax +39-041-2347444
Web page:
Ricevo e inoltro il seguente messaggio con preghiera di diffusione a chi pensate possa essere interessato.
Mi scuso con chi l'avesse già ricevuto.
Fabio Zucca
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:49:46 +0100
From: DK Discrete Mathematics <discrete(a)>
To: dmlist(a)
Subject: 22 PhD positions in Discrete Mathematics in Graz and Leoben
The Doctoral Program "Discrete Mathematics" (in its second phase
2015-2018) offers up to 22 PhD positions for an advanced PhD training
and research program.
It is run jointly by
- Graz University of Technology,
- University of Graz,
- University of Leoben.
The doctoral program is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and
the three supporting universities.
The range of topics comprises the following topics:
- Commutative and non-commutative Algebra
- Number Theory
- Additive Combinatorics
- Discrete Dynamics and Fractals
- Graph Theory
- Combinatorial Group Theory
- Discrete Stochastics
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Discrete and Computational Geometry
- Analysis of Algorithms
We offer up to 22 PhD positions for up to 4 years and a gross salary
of 27.900 EUR per year. There is additional funding for extended
stays abroad. The official language is English. The positions are
assigned to 11 specific research projects within the above areas. For
details about the research projects as well as the formal application
criteria, see<>
Doctoral Program Discrete Mathematics
Doctoral Program Discrete Mathematics
Altre info...<>
A selection of candidates will be invited for an interview. There will
be two major interview sessions, one in March 2015 and a second one in
June 2015. For being considered for the first interview session, and
possible start in March/April, applications have to arrive by February
15, 2015. Later applications, which are to be considered for the
second interview session and possible start in October, have to arrive
by May 15, 2015.
Applications should be sent by e-mail to
to the coordinators of the doctoral program.
A causa di perduranti problemi di accesso al sito dell'IMATI, di cui ci
si ricorda il programma di seminari previsti il pomeriggio di mercoledi'
14 p.v.
presso la sede di Milano, via Bassini 15, aula A:
14.30 Hedibert Lopes - (INSPER, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Sparse Bayesian Latent Factor Stochastic Volatility Models for
High-Dimensional Financial Time Series
15:00 Sonia Petrone - (Bocconi University, Milano, Italy)
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Nick Polson - (University of Chicago, USA)
Vertical Likelihood Sampling
16:30 Refik Soyer - (George Washington University, Washington, USA)
Markov Modulated Bayesian Queues
La partecipazione e' gratuita, ma per ragioni organizzative si invitano
gli interessati a segnalare la
partecipazione tramite mail ad antonella.bodini AT
Dott. Antonella Bodini
CNR-Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche
Via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano (Italy)
tel +39 02 23699524
fax +39 02 23699538
Friday, January 23rd, 2015
Dipartimento di Economia, Management e Metodi Quantitativi
Via Conservatorio 7, Milano
Aula Seminari
- Nizar Touzi, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, "Comparison of viscosity solutions of semilinear path-dependent PDE"
- Zhenjie Ren, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, "Viscosity solution of semi linear path dependent PDE: Existence via Perron’s method"
- Andrea Cosso, Universite' Paris Diderot, "Viscosity solutions for path-dependent PDEs in infinite dimension, I"
- Mauro Rosestolato, LUISS, Roma, "Viscosity solutions for path-dependent PDEs in infinite dimension, II"
- Federica Masiero, Universita' di Milano Bicocca, "Optimal control of stochastic delay equation via the Pontryagin maximum principle"
- Giovanni Zanco, Universita' di Pisa, "Infinite dimensional methods in path-dependent SDEs and PDEs"
- Cecilia Prosdocimi, LUISS, Roma, "Appreciating the past to value the future"
Attached the full program
For further information, please contact Salvatore Federico, salvatore.federico(a) <salvatore.federico(a)>
[Apologizes for cross-posting but please circulate to potential candidates]
The Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods, University of Milan, offers a two years postdoc position in Statistics.
* The research theme of the postdoc is: "Social Well Being Index: integrating big data, social media and official statistics to develop a new social wealth indicator."
This project aims to build an index of subjective well-being based on the analysis of data from Twitter. This SWBI = "Social Well Being Index" makes use of million of opinions expressed every day on Twitter to investigate dynamically the perception of personal well-being and relationships within society. SWBI focuses on "personal" and "social" as well as well-being at "work". The SWBI will be coupled and compared with other wealth indicators, like GDP, to perform cross-country analyses.
* Directors of research: Stefano M. Iacus, Silvia Salini
* Who should apply:
Successful candidate should have a PhD in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science or related fields and good knowledge of the R programming language.
* How to apply?
Read the complete call here:…
* Salary: The postdocs will be employed with a fixed term employment contract at the University of Milan. Gross salary amounts to approximately 21K EUR/year.
* Deadline: 17 February 2015
For further informations mail to: Stefano M. Iacus, stefano.iacus(a)
Stefano M. Iacus
Director of MEF - Master in Economics & Finance
Department of Economics,
Management and Quantitative Methods
University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7
I-20123 Milan - Italy
Ph.: +39 02 50321 461
Fax: +39 02 50321 505
Twitter: @iacus
Master in Economics & Finance
Twitter: @mefunimi
Email and further informations at: mef(a)
Please don't send me Word or PowerPoint attachments if not
absolutely necessary. See:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leonardo Rolla <leonardo.rolla(a)>
Date: 2015-01-07 15:11 GMT+01:00
Subject: Fwd: Postdoctoral positions in Buenos Aires
Dear friends and colleagues,
I would much appreciate if you could help me broadcast the announcement
Sorry in advance for any duplicates.
Best regards,
Leonardo T Rolla
Universidad de Buenos Aires
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Probability Buenos Aires <probab(a)>
Date: Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 10:59 AM
Subject: Postdoctoral positions in Buenos Aires
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in Probability and
related areas.
Please feel free to forward this message to other colleagues and potential
candidates. The deadline is January 23.
The position lasts one year (possibly renewable) and has a monthly stipend
of 11000 pesos, to start at anytime in 2015. Applicants should be write to
probab(a) attaching:
- CV
- Motivation letter
- Short research statement
Two recommendation letters should be sent confidentially to probab(a)
by January 26.
Information on the group activities and projects can be found at
Thank you in advance,
Buenos Aires Probability Group
This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.
A v v i s o d i M i n i - C o r s o
Giovedì, 22 Gennaio, ore 10:00 - 12:30 e 15:00 - 17:30
Aula VII (piano terra)
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Sapienza Università di Roma
(University of Southampton)
terrà un mini-corso dal titolo
Il corso è gratuito ma, dato il numero limitato di posti disponibili nel
lab, tutti gli interessati sono invitati a **prenotarsi** compilando il
seguente form on line:
Entro Lunedì 19 Gennaio verrà inviata conferma dell'effettiva disponibilità
del posto richiesto all’indirizzo email fornito.
Ovviamente “first come, first served”, con possibile piccolo bias in
favore di studenti di dottorato.
Maggiori informazioni sui seminari e mini-corsi presso il DSS sono
consultabili a quest'indirizzo:
Questo corso fa parte delle attività promosse nell’ambito del FIRB
Futuro in Ricerca 2012:
“Modelli mistura e a variabili latenti per l'inferenza causale e l'analisi
di dati socio-economici”.
Marco Alfò, Paolo Giordani (+ Pierpaolo Brutti)
Syllabus del corso
> Lincoln-Petersen-Chapman estimation
> Log-linear modelling for multiple sources
> Marginal modelling using Chao and ratio regression
> Marginal modelling using covariates: zero-tranucated Poisson and Chao
with covariates.
The course will make use of various case studies on homeless populations,
family violence, drug users and the problem of disease occurence
Software: STATA
Cari tutti,
vi pregherei di far circolare anche presso i colleghi Economisti di area Aziendale [SECS P09 e affini] la notizia di bando qui sotto.
E' stato bandito un corso di "Risk Assessment and Management", Secs P09, per il corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economics & Finance (LM-16,
More details on the course:
TITLE: Risk Assessment and Management
CONTENT: The course (40h) to be held on the third trimester 2015 should focus on risk management in the context of portfolios of stocks and fixed income securities along these lines:
* fixed income securities: pricing, term structure relationships, interest-rate risk management;
* equity securities: valuation models, financial statement analysis, price risk management;
* options, futures and other derivatives: valuation and risk management.
DEADLINE: 22.1.2105
Stefano M. Iacus
Director of MEF - Master in Economics & Finance
Department of Economics,
Management and Quantitative Methods
University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7
I-20123 Milan - Italy
Ph.: +39 02 50321 461
Fax: +39 02 50321 505
Twitter: @iacus
Master in Economics & Finance
Twitter: @mefunimi
Email and further informations at: mef(a)
Please don't send me Word or PowerPoint attachments if not
absolutely necessary. See:
Scusandomi per l'errore e la conseguente pioggia di mail, correggo il
link dei seminari di Hedibert Lopes (INSPER, Sao Paulo, Brazil), Sonia
Petrone (Bocconi University), Nick Polson (University of Chicago, USA) e
Refik Soyer (George Washington University, Washington, USA)
Cordiali saluti,
Dott. Antonella Bodini
CNR-Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche
Via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano (Italy)
tel +39 02 23699524
fax +39 02 23699538
Mercoledi' 14 gennaio a partire dalle 14.30, presso la sede di Milano
dell'IMATI, Hedibert Lopes (INSPER, Sao Paulo, Brazil), Sonia Petrone
(Bocconi University), Nick Polson (University of Chicago, USA) e Refik
Soyer (George Washington University, Washington, USA) presenteranno
alcuni risultati recenti delle loro ricerche.
Il programma provvisorio è disponibile all'indirizzo web:
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare. La partecipazione e'
gratuita ma,
per ragioni organizzative, e' richiesta l'iscrizione tramite mail a
questo indirizzo email.
Cordiali saluti,
Dott. Antonella Bodini
CNR-Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche
Via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano (Italy)
tel +39 02 23699524
fax +39 02 23699538