this is an invitation to foreign teachers, coming from a European
University or non-European, to share didactical projects with the
professors in charge of a particular course given within the Master degree
in Mathematics at the University of Verona.
Such opportunity, funded by the Unviersity of Verona, has been also thought
to start a *scientific collaboration with professors afferent to the
Master degree in Mathematics*:
The minimum lenght of stay is *1 week to which corresponds a reimbursement
of 2k euros*.
Additional 600 euros will be payed for any additional week *and up to 3.5K
euros for one month and 11k euro for three months*. The teaching load is
fixed at 6 hours per week.
*Collaborations in the field of stochastic processes, SPDEs theory and
their applications to Mathematical Finance are particularly welcome.*
Please, spread the present message to anyone you think that could be
interested in the project.
For any further details, feel free to contact me:
or the Internationalization Office of Verona University:
Hope to hear from you soon,
Luca Di Persio - PhD
assistant professor of
Probability and Mathematical Finance
Dept. Informatics University of Verona
strada le Grazie 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy
Tel : +39 045 802 7968
Dept. Math University of Trento
V. Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo - Italy
Tel : +39 0461 281686
Car* collegh*,
vi segnalo un'iniziativa dell'Università del Sussex con preghiera di
diffusione. Nel caso i link sottostanti non funzionassero si puo' usare: <http://UrlBlockedError.aspx/>
Cordiali saluti
Enrico Scalas
Professor of Statistics and Probability
University of Sussex
Young Finance Scholars' Conference and Quant Finance
The Finance group at the University of Sussex is pleased to announce a
conference that is specially designed for junior scholars in Finance,
followed by a (separately bookable) Quantitative Finance Workshop. Both
events are hosted by the Department of Business and
Management<> in
the School of Business, Management and Economics<>
Young Finance Scholars'
Quantitative Finance Workshop<>
*Thursday, 8th May 2014* *Friday, 9th May 2014*
The conference provides an opportunity for junior scholars that have little
(or no) experience with publishing in academic journals to share their
research, debate their methodology and results, network with their peers
from other institutions and - primarily - to receive expert comment and
advice on publication from leading finance academics, including:
- Professor Carol Alexander - University of Sussex
- Professor Ben Hambly - University of Oxford
- Professor Mike Lipkin - Columbia University, New York
- Professor Brian Lucey - Trinity College, Dublin
- Dr. Norman Seeger - VU University, Amsterdam
The workshop is given by *Mike Lipkin,* a renowned specialist on
Event-Driven Finance and co-author (with Marco Avallaneda) of the paper
winning the Risk Magazine Quant-of-the-year award 2010. Designed to appeal
to both practitioners and academics, Mike will describe his path-breaking
work on trading attendant to market events, such as earnings announcements
or crashes. Places are limited and workshop participation is allocated on a
first come first served basis.
Please visit our website<http://UrlBlockedError.aspx>for more
details on the conference and workshop and to register.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Koorn, P.M. <Koorn(a)>
Date: Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 2:55 PM
Subject: [stoch-ned-l] Announcement workshop Population Dynamics and
Statistical Physics in Synergie
To: "stoch-ned-l(a)" <stoch-ned-l(a)>
We would like to announce the upcoming workshop on Population Dynamics and
Statistical Physics in Synergy
To be held at Eurandom, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Date: August 25-29, 2014
Organizers: C. Giardina, A. Greven, F. den Hollander
Mini courses by: J. Kurchan, C. Richard
Talks by 20 other researchers.
More information on…
On behald of the organizers,
Kind regards,
Patty Koorn
P.O.Box 513 (MF 4.081)
The Netherlands
tel. +31 40 247 81 00
e-mail koorn(a)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 09:19:49 +0100
From: Maria Chiarolla <maria.chiarolla(a)>
To: Lucia Caramellino <caramell(a)>
Subject: Fwd:
vi informo che sul sito della Facolt�, nell'apposita sezione, � stato
pubblicato un bando per n. 7 posti per contratti di collaborazione
coordinata e continuativa, per lo svolgimento di corsi di recupero e
sostegno per i seguenti insegnamenti: Economia Aziendale, Economia e
Gestione delle Imprese, Finanza Aziendale, Istituzioni di Diritto
Pubblico, *Matematica
corso base*, Politica Economica, Statistica corso base.
*La scadenza prevista per la presentazione delle domande � il giorno 11
marzo 2014.*
Vi invito a darne la massima diffusione. Grazie, MCh
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:34:21 +0100
From: Antonella Basso <basso(a)>
To: Soci AMASES <amases-soci(a)>
Subject: [amases-soci] Fwd: Second Call e web site 38mo Convegno AMASES 2014
Cari Soci AMASES,
vi inoltro la seconda call del Convegno AMASES 2014 e il link al sito web.
Cordiali saluti
Antonella Basso
-------- Messaggio originale --------
Second Call e web site 38mo Convegno AMASES 2014
Wed, 5 Mar 2014 13:10:56 +0100
Massimiliano Ferrara <massimiliano.ferrara(a)>
Antonella Basso <basso(a)>
basile(a), Weinrich Gerd <gerd.weinrich(a)>
Cara Antonella,
Ti chiedo cortesemente di comunicare ai Consoci che il sito del prossimo
Convegno Amases e' da questa mattina on line al seguente indirizzo:
Un abbraccio
Massimiliano Ferrara
Antonella Basso
Dipartimento di Economia
Universita Ca' Foscari Venezia
Fondamenta S. Giobbe - Cannaregio 873
30121 Venezia - Italy
Tel. +39-041-2346914 - Fax +39-041-2347444
E-mail address: basso(a)
Web page:
Segnalo la pubblicazione di un bando per un assegno di ricerca
post-dottorale su "Analisi statistica dei dati", con scadenza il
prossimo 24 marzo. I dettagli si trovano nella seguente pagina web:
Cordiali saluti
Antonio Pievatolo
Dr Antonio (Marco) Pievatolo
Tel. +39 02 23699.521 (direct: 520)
We have the pleasure to announce the following two seminars and
the defenses of two PhD thesis for the day Friday, March 7th:
University of Padova, Italy
Department of Mathematics, via Trieste 63
room 1BC/45, 1st floor
9.00 Tomas BJORK: "Time inconsistent control" (joint with Agatha Murgoci)
We develop a theory for stochastic control problems which, in various
ways, are time inconsistent in the sense that they do not admit a Bellman
optimality principle. We attach these problems by viewing them within a
game theoretic framework, and we look for Nash subgame perfect equilibrium
For a general controlled Markov process and a fairly general objective
functional we derive an extension of the standard Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
equation, in the form of a system of non-linear equations, for the
determination for the equilibrium strategy as well as the equilibrium
value function. Most known examples of time inconsistency in the
literature are easily seen to be special cases of the present theory. We
also prove that for every time inconsistent problem, there exists an
associated time consistent problem such that the optimal control and the
optimal value function for the consistent problem coincides with the
equilibrium control and value function respectively for the time
inconsistent problem. We also study some concrete examples.
10.00 Thorsten SCHMIDT: "Bond markets and absence of arbitrage beyond the
existence of a bank account" (joint with Irene Klein and Josef Teichmann)
We investigate default-free bond markets where the standard relationship
between a possibly existing bank account process and the term structure of
bond prices is broken, i.e. the bank account process is not a valid
numeraire. We argue that this feature is not the exception but rather the
rule in bond markets when starting with, e.g., terminal bonds as
Our setting are general cad lag processes as bond prices, where we employ
directly methods from large financial markets. Moreover, we do not
restrict price process to be semimartingales, which allows for example to
consider markets driven by fractional Brownian motion. In the core of the
article we relate the appropriate no arbitrage assumptions (NAFL), i.e. no
asymptotic free lunch, to the existence of an equivalent local martingale
measure with respect to the terminal bond as numeraire, and no arbitrage
opportunities of the first kind (NAA1) to the existence of a
supermartingale deflator, respectively. In all settings we obtain
existence of a generalized bank account as a limit of convex combinations
of roll-over bonds.
Additionally we provide an alternative definition of the concept of a
numeraire, leading to a possibly interesting connection to bubbles. If we
can construct a bank account process through roll-overs, we can relate the
impossibility of taking the bank account as numeraire to liquidity
effects. Here we enter endogenously the arena of multiple yield curves.
After the two seminars, the defenses of two PhD thesis will take
11.00 Juan Miguel MONTES: "Aspects of affine models in the pricing of
exotic options and in credit risk" (supervisor: Wolfgang J. Runggaldier)
11.45 Stefano PAGLIARANI: "Portfolio optimization and option pricing
under defaultable Levy driven models" (supervisor: Tiziano Vargiolu)
Tiziano Vargiolu
Dipartimento di Matematica Phone: +39 049 8271383
Universita' di Padova Fax: +39 049 8271428
Via Trieste, 63 E-mail: vargiolu(a)
I-35121 Padova (Italy) WWW:
We have the pleasure to announce the following two seminars, in
University of Padova, Italy
Department of Mathematics, via Trieste 63
room 1BC/45, 1st floor
9.00 Tomas BJORK: "Time inconsistent control" (joint with Agatha Murgoci)
We develop a theory for stochastic control problems which, in various
ways, are time inconsistent in the sense that they do not admit a Bellman
optimality principle. We attach these problems by viewing them within a
game theoretic framework, and we look for Nash subgame perfect equilibrium
For a general controlled Markov process and a fairly general objective
functional we derive an extension of the standard Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
equation, in the form of a system of non-linear equations, for the
determination for the equilibrium strategy as well as the equilibrium
value function. Most known examples of time inconsistency in the
literature are easily seen to be special cases of the present theory. We
also prove that for every time inconsistent problem, there exists an
associated time consistent problem such that the optimal control and the
optimal value function for the consistent problem coincides with the
equilibrium control and value function respectively for the time
inconsistent problem. We also study some concrete examples.
10.00 Thorsten SCHMIDT: "Bond markets and absence of arbitrage beyond the
existence of a bank account" (joint with Irene Klein and Josef Teichmann)
We investigate default-free bond markets where the standard relationship
between a possibly existing bank account process and the term structure of
bond prices is broken, i.e. the bank account process is not a valid
numeraire. We argue that this feature is not the exception but rather the
rule in bond markets when starting with, e.g., terminal bonds as
Our setting are general cad lag processes as bond prices, where we employ
directly methods from large financial markets. Moreover, we do not
restrict price process to be semimartingales, which allows for example to
consider markets driven by fractional Brownian motion. In the core of the
article we relate the appropriate no arbitrage assumptions (NAFL), i.e. no
asymptotic free lunch, to the existence of an equivalent local martingale
measure with respect to the terminal bond as numeraire, and no arbitrage
opportunities of the first kind (NAA1) to the existence of a
supermartingale deflator, respectively. In all settings we obtain
existence of a generalized bank account as a limit of convex combinations
of roll-over bonds.
Additionally we provide an alternative definition of the concept of a
numeraire, leading to a possibly interesting connection to bubbles. If we
can construct a bank account process through roll-overs, we can relate the
impossibility of taking the bank account as numeraire to liquidity
effects. Here we enter endogenously the arena of multiple yield curves.
After the two seminars, the defenses of two PhD thesis will take
11.00 Juan Miguel MONTES: "Aspects of affine models in the pricing of
exotic options and in credit risk" (supervisor: Wolfgang J. Runggaldier)
11.45 Stefano PAGLIARANI: "Portfolio optimization and option pricing
under defaultable Levy driven models" (supervisor: Tiziano Vargiolu)
Tiziano Vargiolu
Dipartimento di Matematica Phone: +39 049 8271383
Universita' di Padova Fax: +39 049 8271428
Via Trieste, 63 E-mail: vargiolu(a)
I-35121 Padova (Italy) WWW:
CSAMA 2014: Computational Statistics for Genome Biology (12th edition)
Bressanone-Brixen, Italy (South Tyrol Alps - half way between Verona and Munich)
June 23-27, 2014
*** Registration for CSAMA 2014 is now open ***
This one-week intensive course teaches current approaches in the statistical and computational analysis of large-scale experiments in biology. The course focuses on the methods for downstream analysis of high-throughput sequencing experiments including RNA sequencing (differential expression) and DNA sequencing (variant calling), as well as QTL analysis and high-throughput screening. Lectures also cover essentials including statistical testing, linear models, machine learning, visualisation and bioinformatic metadata integration.
• Introduction to R and Bioconductor
• Elements of statistics: hypothesis testing, multiple testing, regression, regularisation, clustering and classification (machine learning), visualisation
• Computing with sequences and genomic intervals
• RNA-Seq data analysis and differential expression
• DNA Variant calling
• Working with annotation -- genes, genomic features and variants
• Gene set enrichment analysis
• High-throughput screens
The course consists of
• morning lectures: 20 x 45 minutes: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 12:00am
• 4 practical computer tutorials in the afternoons (2pm - 5pm) on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Stefano M. Iacus
Department of Economics,
Management and Quantitative Methods
University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7
I-20123 Milan - Italy
Ph.: +39 02 50321 461
Fax: +39 02 50321 505
Twitter: @iacus
Have a look at the new Master Degree in Finance !
Please don't send me Word or PowerPoint attachments if not
absolutely necessary. See:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Deadline abstract submission ICFIS2014 extended to March 13!
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 21:45:58 +0100
From: ICFIS2014 <icfis2014(a)>
Reply-To: <info(a)>
To: <info(a)>
*The deadline for abstract submission for ICFIS2014
<> has been extended to March 13.*
We have already received 75 abstracts, but we want to give even more
people the opportunity to submit an abstract.
The *9th International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics*
<> will take place from *19 to 22 August 2014* at
Leiden University
<>, the
Netherlands. Leiden is a beautiful city with a large number of monuments
and canals, and has a 15 minutes train link to Amsterdam Schiphol
International Airport, one of the main gates of Europe.
This international conference - in short *ICFIS2014*
<> - unites lawyers, statisticians and forensic
scientists in their interest in optimal reasoning concerning forensic
evidence. Technical developments in biological, physical, chemical and
digital forensic disciplines are fast and have an increasing impact on
law enforcement and the justice system. Examples are DNA profiling,
fingerprint and illicit drug analysis, and analysis of large digital
data-sets for intelligence purposes. Whatever the type of evidence, it
can only be of value when it is properly gathered, analyzed, evaluated,
and communicated by the scientist. Moreover, it should be understood by
the legal decision maker. This requires sound statistical and logical
methods, and good communication between lawyers and scientists.
The conference promotes the interaction between providers and users of
forensic evidence. It focuses on probabilistic methods for the
evaluation of forensic evidence, and their use in law and law enforcement.
The conference will provide a forum for oral presentations and posters.
Furthermore, the first day of the conference will consist of workshops.
Selection by the scientific committee of the contributions for the final
program is based on abstracts.
If you haven't done so already, please submit your abstract by digitally
filling out the form you can download from the website
and sending it to abstracts(a) <>.
*The final deadline for abstract submission is March 13, 2014. *
The website lists the themes
for the conference.
See you at ICFIS2014!
Charles Berger and Marjan Sjerps,
on behalf of the organizing and scientific committee
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