Ricevo e inoltro: ------------------------------------------------------
Dear all.
The next session of the One World Probability Seminar will be on October 19 (Thursday) from 14:00 to 16:00 UTC.The speakers of this session are Martin Hairer (Imperial College and EPFL) and Hao Shen (Wisconsin-Madison).
Title, abstract and the zoom link are below the signature and can be also found on the website https://www.owprobability.org/one-world-probability-seminar.
Kind regards, Ilya Chevyrev and Julio Backhoff.
Talk 1 : Stochastic quantization of Yang-Mills
Speaker : Martin Hairer
Abstract : We report on recent progress on the problem of building a stochastic process that admits the (hypothetical in 3D) Yang-Mills measure as its invariant measure. One interesting feature of our construction is that it preserves gauge-covariance in the limit even though it is broken by our UV regularisation. This is based on joint work with Ajay Chandra, Ilya Chevyrev, and Hao Shen.
Talk 2 : Invariant measure and universality of the 2D Yang-Mills Langevin dynamic
Speaker: Hao Shen
Abstract : In [CCHS20] by Chandra, Chevyrev, Hairer and S., a Langevin dynamic for 2D Yang-Mills (YM) was constructed on 2D torus. In this talk we discuss some new results based on a joint paper with Chevyrev [CS22]. We prove that the 2D YM measure is invariant for the Langevin dynamic constructed in [CCHS20]. Our argument relies on a combination of regularity structures, lattice gauge-fixing, and Bourgain’s method for invariant measures. In particular, we prove a universality result which states that for a wide class of lattice YM gauge theories, their corresponding Langevin dynamics converge to the same continuum dynamic constructed in [CCHS20]. An important step is a proof of uniqueness for the mass renormalisation of the gauge-covariant continuum Langevin dynamic, which allows us to identify the limit of discrete approximations. As corollaries we obtain a gauge-fixed decomposition of the YM measure into a Gaussian free field and an almost Lipschitz remainder, and a proof of universality for the 2D YM measure under a wide class of discrete approximations.
Zoom-link: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/66242024127?pwd=K201d0FGQ1dvZHIzZERlUnNSbUlRQT09 Meeting ID: 662 4202 4127 Passcode: 188885
If you are having trouble with zoom, or if the capacity of the zoom room gets exceeded, you can also access to the Youtube live stream at the channel of the seminar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiLiEQGTp6bZEhuHDM-WNWQ