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-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [ML-news] Gaussian Process Summer School and Uncertainty Quantification, Sheffield UK, September 2017. Datum: Mon, 5 Jun 2017 01:11:57 -0700 (PDT) Von: Mauricio A. Álvarez maalvarezl@gmail.com An: Machine Learning News ml-news@googlegroups.com
Hi ML-News,
Gaussian Process Summer School and Uncertainty Quantification 11th-14th September 2017.
Early registration is open for the Gaussian Process Summer School. Deadline for early registration is 15th July. There is also a limit on the number of places to 60 students (allocated on a first come first served basis).
The school involves a combination of talks on Gaussian processes and practical sessions. It will end with a one day workshop on Advances in Approximate Inference with GPs (14th September). Registrants to the summer school can attend the workshop free of charge.
Confirmed speakers at the Summer School include:
Nicolas Durrande (Ecole des Mines St Etienne) Simo Särkka (Aalto University) Aki Vehtari (Aalto University) Richard Wilkinson (University of Sheffield) Mauricio A. Álvarez (University of Sheffield) Andreas Damianou (Amazon Research Cambridge) Javier Gonzalez (Amazon Research Cambridge) Neil Lawrence (Amazon Research Cambridge and University of Sheffield)
The draft schedule and details for registration are available here:
Current speakers at the Workshop are:
Alan Saul (University of Sheffield) Aki Vehtari (Aalto University) Dustin Tran (Open AI and Columbia University) Rajesh Ranganath (Princeton University)
A facebook group for this series of summer schools is available here:
Mauricio A. Álvarez