Dottorato in "Economia e Metodi Quantitativi"
giovedì 9 gennaio 2014, ore 15.00-18.00
Sala delle lauree, Dipartimento di Economia, Università degli Studi Roma Tre Via Silvio D'Amico 77, 00145 Roma
ore 14.45: Caffè di benvenuto
ore 15.00: Saluti e introduzione
*Silvia Terzi*- Direttore Dipartimento di Economia
*Julia Mortera*-- Dipartimento di Economia
ore 15.30:Lezione inaugurale**
*Søren Johansen *-- Professor of Econometrics, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen
/Cointegration in the vector autoregressive model/^
ore 16.30:Discussion
ore 17:15:Coffee Break
ore 17:30*Katarina Juselius *--Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen
/Challenges for Macroeconomic Theory/
ore 18:00//Discussion
/*Cointegration in the vector autoregressive model*/
An overview of results for the cointegrated VAR model for nonstationary I(1) variables is given. The emphasis is on the analysis of the model and the tools for asymptotic inference. The results are illustrated by a few examples. A number of extensions of the theory are pointed out.//
*/Challenges for Macroeconomic Theory/*
Standard macroeconomic models were not able to foresee our recent crisis nor have they been very useful for guiding us out of the subsequent long recession. Most of the economics profession has, therefore, acknowledged the need for a new research vision in macroeconomics and macrofinance. This talk discusses a number of challenges and argues that we need theoretical models that can capture the full dynamics of financial market behavior and its interrelatedness with the real economy as well as empirical models that can take such models to the data without compromising high scientific standards. How to combine these two goals is the subject of the talk.