*Greening** Energy Market and Finance Erasmus Mundus Joint Master* https://site.unibo.it/grenfin-emjm/en An “*Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master*” programme
Greening Energy Market and Finance - GrEnFIn is a* 24-month Erasmus Mundus Joint Master* offering *120 ECTS*, culminating in *a multiple degree* issued by *three partner universities:*
*1. **UNIBO, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna* https://www.unibo.it/en/homepage*, Italy, programme coordinator *
*2. **LMU, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München* https://www.lmu.de/en/about-lmu/*, Germany, full partner *
*3. **UPD, Université Paris Dauphine* https://dauphine.psl.eu/en/*, France, full partner*
The best students selected, coming from all over the world, will have the opportunity to join an exciting international environment and will be trained to become *Sustainable Energy Experts*, *professionals able to face the energy transition and the environmental challenges* capable of addressing evolving challenges in the energy sector with a comprehensive global perspective.
*APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2025-2026* *March 3, 2025, *for EU and NON-EU candidates*. *
Prestigious Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available for the best qualified applicants, covering fees and an allowance of €1400 monthly.
Associated partners will support the Programme in various ways, playing an active role offering research opportunities to students, e.g. for internship/RAship and Master thesis, delivering lectures at the annual GrEnFIn Summer/Winter school or as guest lecturers at the three partner universities.
- A *good level first-cycle degree* in the field of Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Statistical Sciences, Information Technology, Engineering. - A *certified level of proficiency* *in English* (minimum level *B2*). - An *adequate personal training* assessed on the basis of the academic merit, the curriculum vitae and an online assessment test.
We would be very grateful if you could disseminate the information about the opportunity offered by GrEnFIn-EMJM to interested students and institutions as much as possible.
Should you need any further details or information, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following address: grenfin.emjm@unibo.it