Ricevo ed inoltro con piacere una call per un postdoc di 2 anni per lavorare con Daniele Avitabile (in Cc) a VU Amsterdam.
Saluti, Massimiliano
________________________________ Dear All,
Please find below the details of a posdtoctoral position open at VU Amsterdam’s Centre for Dynamics and Computation (ACDC), with deadline on Friday the 4th of April.
The position is not attached to a specific project, and the candidate will ideally connect to the existing research streams in ACDC (see the message below below for a full list of researchers working in the centre).
Mathematical Neuroscience, Uncertainty Quantification, Data Assimilation, Numerical Analysis, and Stochastics are amongst the themes of the call. ACDC members active in the areas above are
Daniele Avitabile (d.avitabile@vu.nlmailto:d.avitabile@vu.nl) Chris Bick (c.bick@vu.nlmailto:c.bick@vu.nl) Svetlana Dubinkina (s.b.dubinkina@vu.nl)
and candidates who would like to discuss connections to these areas can write to us jointly.
General organisational enquries about the call should be sent to c.bick@vu.nlmailto:c.bick@vu.nl
Please circulate this to potentially interested candidates.
Dear colleagues,
the Amsterdam Center for Dynamics and Computation (http://amsterdam-dynamics.nlhttp://amsterdam-dynamics.nl/) within the Department of Mathematics of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is recruiting a 2-year postdoctoral researcher. Ideally, the candidate can connect to existing research strengths of the Center, including (but not limited to) differential equations, networks, data assimilation, systems biology, rigorous numerics, mathematical neuroscience, inverse problems, numerical analysis, and systems with multiple scales.
Candidates should apply by *Fri, April 4, 2025* through the VU online system at the link below
Please bring this vacancy to the attention of any suitable candidate.
Best wishes,
on behalf of the Amsterdam Center for Dynamics and Computation
Daniele Avitabile www.danieleavitabile.com
------ Dr. Massimiliano Tamborrino Reader (Associate Professor) and WIHEA Fellow Department of Statistics University of Warwick https://warwick.ac.uk/tamborrino