-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Deadline abstract submission ICFIS2014 extended to March 13! Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 21:45:58 +0100 From: ICFIS2014 icfis2014@gmail.com Reply-To: info@icfis2014.org To: info@icfis2014.org
*The deadline for abstract submission for ICFIS2014 http://icfis2014.org has been extended to March 13.* * *KOG
We have already received 75 abstracts, but we want to give even more people the opportunity to submit an abstract.
The *9th International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics* http://icfis2014.org/ will take place from *19 to 22 August 2014* at Leiden University http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6795661/ICFIS2014/venue.html, the Netherlands. Leiden is a beautiful city with a large number of monuments and canals, and has a 15 minutes train link to Amsterdam Schiphol International Airport, one of the main gates of Europe.
This international conference - in short *ICFIS2014* http://icfis2014.org/ - unites lawyers, statisticians and forensic scientists in their interest in optimal reasoning concerning forensic evidence. Technical developments in biological, physical, chemical and digital forensic disciplines are fast and have an increasing impact on law enforcement and the justice system. Examples are DNA profiling, fingerprint and illicit drug analysis, and analysis of large digital data-sets for intelligence purposes. Whatever the type of evidence, it can only be of value when it is properly gathered, analyzed, evaluated, and communicated by the scientist. Moreover, it should be understood by the legal decision maker. This requires sound statistical and logical methods, and good communication between lawyers and scientists. The conference promotes the interaction between providers and users of forensic evidence. It focuses on probabilistic methods for the evaluation of forensic evidence, and their use in law and law enforcement.
The conference will provide a forum for oral presentations and posters. Furthermore, the first day of the conference will consist of workshops. Selection by the scientific committee of the contributions for the final program is based on abstracts.
If you haven't done so already, please submit your abstract by digitally filling out the form you can download from the website http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6795661/ICFIS2014/abstracts.html, and sending it to abstracts@icfis2014.org mailto:abstracts@icfis2014.org.
*The final deadline for abstract submission is March 13, 2014. *
The website lists the themes http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6795661/ICFIS2014/index.html#themes for the conference.
See you at ICFIS2014!
Charles Berger and Marjan Sjerps, on behalf of the organizing and scientific committee http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6795661/ICFIS2014/organization.html.
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