We would like to inform you that it is now possible to register for ABS15, the Applied Bayesian Statistics summer school organised in Italy since 2004. Programme and information on accommodation are now available as well.
The theme of the 2015 school is MODERN BAYESIAN METHODS AND COMPUTING FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES and the location will be the magnificent Villa del Grumello, Como (Italy), on the Lake Como shore. The dates are June, 8th - 12th, 2015, with deadlines on April, 1st for early registration and April, 27th for hotel booking.
The lecturer will be Jeff Gill, Washington University, St. Louis, USA, with the help of Giacomo Zanella (University of Warwick, UK) for the practical sessions.
The school web-page is www.mi.imati.cnr.it/conferences/abs15.html
The ABS15 Secretariat can be contacted at abs15@mi.imati.cnr.it
Best regards
Guido Consonni and Fabrizio Ruggeri ABS15 Directors Raffaele Argiento ABS15 Executive Director