*Università di SalernoDipartimento di Matematica*
Il Prof. Alfonso Suárez-Llorens (Universidad de Cádiz. Dpto. Estadística e I.O.) terrà, venerdì 20 settembre, alle ore 12:00, presso la Sala Riunioni dell'Edificio F2 (piano 1, stanza 36), un seminario dal titolo:
*Extreme Value Distributions and Their Shape* Gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare,
*Antonio Di CrescenzoBarbara MartinucciAlessandra MeoliSerena Spina*
*Link su Teams*: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_YWUzZDAyMjgtZDE3YS00NDk1LTlmZmItYmExNjc4Njg2ODE1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7 b%22Tid%22%3a%22c30767db-3dda-4dd4-8a4d-097d22cb99d3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2261e4e421-60a6-4cb9- 8153-d04cb91c1edf%22%7d ID riunione: 345 585 611 215 Passcode: 9P9iwD
This talk will cover Extreme Value Theory and its key results on convergence, focusing on the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) family and the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) family. Additionally, we will explore the concept of the shape of a distribution and how it can be used to characterize GEV and GPD distributions. This characterization can serve as the basis for developing a graphical tool to assess tail weight. The presentation will conclude with a real-world example applied to environmental data.