Seventh international conference *MAF 2016 - Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance*
*WHEN and WHERE* The Conference will be held from March 30 to April 1, 2016 at the University Paris-Dauphine, in Paris (France).
*ORGANIZERS* - Department Master in Sciences of Organizations - University Paris-Dauphine, Paris (France) - Department of Economics - Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venice (Italy)
*AIM* The aim of the Conference is to present theoretical and methodological results, and significant applications in Actuarial Sciences, Insurance and Finance by means of the capabilities of the interdisciplinary mathematical-statistical approach.
*DEADLINES* Interested people should submit an abstract (no more than two pages) within December 1, 2015. Proposals should be submitted electronically through the website: Contributors will be notified the acceptance of their proposals by January 11, 2016. Then, a paper should be submit for publication (detailed information will follow).
*TOPICS* (This list is only indicative) Actuarial models; Models for financial derivatives; Analysis of high frequency financial data; Multivariate techniques for financial market analysis; Behavioral finance; Carbon and green finance; Optimization in insurance; Credit risk methods and models; Pricing; Dynamic optimization in finance; Real world finance; Forecasting of dynamical actuarial and financial phenomena; Risk management ; Solvency analysis; Fund performance evaluation; Sovereign risk; Insurance portfolio risk analysis; Static and dynamic portfolio selection and management; Interest rate models; Longevity risk; Trading systems; Machine learning and soft-computing in finance; Volatility models; Management in insurance business; Models and methods for financial time series analysis.
*PUBLICATIONS* A selection of accepted papers will be published: in a volume edited by an international publisher; in a special issue of the international journals "Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance".
*CONTACTS* E-mail: