-------- Messaggio Inoltrato -------- Oggetto: UNISActuarial School - Invitation Data: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 10:34:03 +0100 Mittente: unisactuarialschool unisactuarialschool@unisa.it A: unisactuarialschool@unisa.it
Dear Colleagues/Students/Friends,
We are pleased to announce the first edition of UNISActuarial School, an International School in actuarial mathematics of the University of Salerno (Italy).
The first edition will be held on October 25,26,27, 2016 - Campus universitario, University of Salerno (Italy).
The school is open to both academics and practitioners and will provide lectures on a wide range of actuarial topics as the following:
* Insurance * Insurance Products * Stochastic modelling of extremal events in insurance and finance * Aggregation of risk measures * Longevity risk * Solvency Analysis * Retirement Planning * Risk Management * Pensions, etc.
In particular, the School invites participants to discuss their ideas in their specific fields with the academics, researchers and practitioners.
?SHARE your Knowledge? : The School will give you the opportunity to download routines, codes and datasets related to empirical applications on actuarial topics, by a new App - UNISAct (Android and Apple) devoted to actuarial applications.
Find more information about the School at http://www.unisact.unisa.it/
We are looking forward to your application!!!
With best regards,
The Organizing Committee