Buongiorno, con piacere segnalo il seguente seminario:
-------------------------------- 6 dicembre ore 16.00 - aula 101, campus Perrone, via Perrone, 18, Novara. Università del Piemonte Orientale. - on-line: meet.google.com/yvq-ccbt-pzt
Prof. Andrea Consiglio Università di Palermo
Title: Simulation and Optimization Models to Assess Sovereign Debt Sustainability
Abstract: We model sovereign debt sustainability with optimal financing decisions under macroeconomic, financial, and fiscal uncertainty, with endogenous risk and term premia. Using a coherent risk measure we trade off debt stock and flow risks subject to sustainability constraints. We optimize static and dynamic financing strategies and demonstrate economically significant savings from optimal financing compared with simple rules and consols, and find that optimizing the trade-offs can be critical for sustainability. -----------------------------------
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Cordiali saluti, Enea