********************************************** ** ** CEMRACS 2017 SUMMER SCHOOL ** ** July 17 - August 25 ** MARSEILLE FRANCE ** **********************************************
The 2017 session of the CEMRACS summer school will be held from July 17 to August 25, at CIRM, Luminy (Marseille). This annual summer school on numerical methods has been existing for 20 years. The 2017 session will be dedicated to numerical methods for stochastic problems, including: * control problems, * uncertainty quantification, * mean field models, see the web page of the school for more information: http://smai.emath.fr/cemracs/cemracs17/ The summer school is organized as follows: * The first ten days are dedicated to lectures on numerical methods, including HPC training on computers. * During the next five weeks, Phd or Postdoc students work in groups of 2 or 3 on a numerical project that has been proposed by an industrial or a research department. Specialists of numerical methods and IT will support them. We are currently making three calls:
*Call 1. Call 1 is for attending the lectures of the summer school (July 17-26), see the program at http://smai.emath.fr/cemracs/cemracs17/summerschool.html.%C2%A0 *Call 2. Call 2 regards the submission of numerical projects: research departments and industrials can submit their own numerical projects. It is a way for them to accelerate the study of a numerical problem or of a numerical method. A project may include students who will work on it, or it may not include students. In the latter case, we will assign students to the project, see Call 3 below. More information is available at http://smai.emath.fr/cemracs/cemracs17/projects.html. Examples from the 2016 edition can be found at http://smai.emath.fr/cemracs/cemracs16/research/conf.php. *Call 3. Call 3 concerns students without a project who would like to work on a project, as defined in Call 2. So, this call is dedicated to Phd students and postdoc students that are not already part of a submitted project. They will be assigned to one of the projects without students (or with not enough students). Projects may end up with a publication, on the underlying numerical method or on some corresponding application.
Proceedings will be edited after the event. The registration/accommodation fees are detailed on http://smai.emath.fr/cemracs/cemracs17/.
For hosting a project, a participation to global expenses of CEMRACS is asked. For further details, please contact us. Emails should be sent to one of the organizers (see the list below) or at the email address cemracs17@smai.emath.fr Could you please circulate the information to colleagues and to industrial contacts that might be interested ? Best regards, the organizing committee:
Bruno Bouchard (bouchard@ceremade.dauphine.fr) Jean-Fran?ois Chassagneux (chassagneux@univ-paris-diderot.fr) Fran?ois Delarue (delarue@unice.fr) Emmanuel Gobet (emmanuel.gobet@polytechnique.edu) Jer?me Lelong (jerome.lelong@imag.fr)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fran?ois Delarue
Professeur Universit? Nice Sophia-Antipolis Laboratoire Dieudonn? Parc Valrose France-06108 Nice Cedex 02
(33) (0)4 92 07 62 80 http://math.unice.fr/~delarue