Call for papers
*ENBIS Spring Meeting on Predictive Maintenance and Reliability with Big and Complex Data*
Monastery of Schlägl in Upper Austria, from 28th to 30th May, 2017
Abstract submission deadline: *26 February 2017*
Web page:
The meeting will focus on predictive maintenance and reliability with big and complex data. Industrial statistics and in particular reliability engineering is a strongly growing field of interest as technical products determine more and more our daily life (communication, mobility, logistics, energy, nutrition, etc.). This dependence motivates the importance of high reliability of processes and devices.
The 2017 ENBIS Spring Meeting will contribute to the discussion of current problems and challenges in reliability and maintenance and to the exchange of knowledge among experts from industry, consultancy and academia. The meeting will focus on the application of statistical methods in the contemporary big data and internet of things context, where the sustained flow of failure and maintenance data can be of great value for prognosis and decision making if properly integrated with data analytic methods.
Contributions are welcome on the illustration of particularly challenging reliability and maintenance problems, as well as on methodologies such as stochastic modelling, association modelling and data analysis methods designed for big data.