*Avviso Seminario*
La Dott.ssa Alessandra Bianchi (Università di Padova) terrà un seminario Venerdì 22 Novembre alle ore 11:30 in Aula VII - Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Informatiche e Matematiche - Edificio Matematica - Via Campi 213/B - Modena.
Titolo del Seminario: "Random Walk in a one-dimensional Levy random environment"
Abstract: In this talk we introduce a model for a one-dimensional Levy-Lorentz gas corresponding to a random walk in random environment on the line. The environment is provided by a renewal point process with inter-distances having a Levy-type distribution, that can be seen as a set of randomly arranged static scatterers. We investigate the quenched behavior of the walk in the case of inter-distances having finite mean but infinite variance and provide asymptotic results about its distribution and moments . In particular we show that, contrary to the annealed case, the quenched behavior of the motion is diffusive. This is a work in progress with G. Cristadoro, M. Lenci and M. Ligabò.
L'evento è organizzato nell'ambito del progetto FIRB "Processi stocastici e sistemi di particelle interagenti": http://www.stochastics.unimore.it/firb/