Il giorno 13/3/2017 alle ore 15 esatte, in aula 3014 presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni dell'Università di Milano-Bicocca, il professor Rafael De Mattos Grisi (Universidade Federal do ABC -Brasile) terrà un seminario dal titolo
A view on maximal spacings in several dimensions
tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Abstract: Let K be a compact subset of R^d and N a Poisson process on K. The maximal spacing of N on K is defined as the radius of the largest open ball in K, avoiding the points of N. Considering N homogenized with intensity t, Jason('87) studied the behaviour of the maximal spacing of N as t goes to infinity. In 1983, Deheuvels studied the asymptotic behaviour of the k-th maximal spacing considering K a hypercube and measuring the spaces also using hypercubes. More recently Fraiman'15) studied the non-homogeneous case. In this ongoing work, we try to generalize Jason's results, studying the behaviour of k-th maximal spacing for the homogeneous process. This is a joint work with Pablo Ferrari, from Universidad de Buenos Aires.