Ricevo e inoltro.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2022 07:10:38 +0000 From: "fosp@math.tugraz.at" fosp@math.tugraz.at To: "Fosp-announce@math.tugraz.at" Fosp-announce@math.tugraz.at Subject: [fosp-announce] Seminar Fabio Zucca: Thursday, 13.1.2022, 11:00
Vortragende(r): Prof. Fabio Zucca
Herkunft: Politecnico di Milano
Titel: Counting extinction probabilities of branching processes
Zeit: Thursday, 13.1.2022, 11:00
Ort: Webex online meeting
We consider Galton-Watson branching processes with countable typeset $X$. We study the vectors $\mathbf{q}(A)=(q_x(A))_{x \in X}$ recording the conditional probabilities of extinction in subsets of types $A \subseteq X$, given that the type of the initial individual is $x$. We first investigate the location of the vectors $\mathbf{q}(A)$ in the set of fixed points. Next, we present equivalent conditions for $\mathbf{q}_x(A) < \mathbf{q}_x(B)$ for any initial type $x$ and $A,B \subseteq X$. Finally, we develop a general framework to characterise all distinct extinction probability vectors, and thereby to determine whether there are finitely many, countably many, or uncountably many distinct vectors. We illustrate our results with examples.
This is based on joint work with D.Bertacchi, P.Braunsteins and S.Hautphenne.
Webex meeting, meeting link:
Meeting number: 2730 713 4197
Password: kFvAawdJ332
The meeting opens at 10:40, the 50min talk starts at 11:00
Organisator/in: W. Woess
Institut für Diskrete Mathematik TU Graz, Austria