Antonietta Mira invites expression of interest for a Research Associate (not tenure track) / Postdoc position in Statistics / Data Science (ideally 100%, maximum duration 1.5 years) at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Lugano, Switzerland.
The Position. The candidate will work with Prof. Mira ( in a dynamic research team and in a multidisciplinary and international scientific environment. Information about ongoing projects is available upon request. The candidate is expected to present papers at scientific conferences and produce publications in high-ranking journals. Candidates’ profile Ideal candidates should satisfy the following requirements: • PhD in Statistics, Computer Science, or similar • Programming knowledge in Python and/or R • Fluent in English
Contract terms. Workplace is USI Università della Svizzera italiana, located in Lugano, Switzerland. Starting date is as soon as possible, applications received before end of February 2025 will be given priority. However, the position will be kept open until a suitable candidate has been found. Long distance cooperation for part of the time can be discussed, as well as part time positions. The salary levels correspond to those set by the Swiss National Science Foundation for postdoctoral researchers (80.000 CHF per year, full time).
The Application. Please send your expression of interest or requests for further information to Antonietta Mira ( The Application procedure is quite easy. We will request (1) a letter in which the applicants describe their research interests, (2) a complete CV, (3) full transcript of records (does not need to be an official transcript), (4) a complete list of publications (5) contact information of 2 or 3 scientific references.
The University. USI is a young and lively university, a hub of opportunity open to the world where students are offered a quality interdisciplinary education in which they can be fully engaged and take center stage, and where our researchers can count on having the space to freely pursue their initiative. Established in 1996, USI is in constant evolution, always taking on new challenges while remaining true to its three guiding principles: quality, openness and responsibility. USI strives to be an equal opportunity and family friendly employer and is further responsive to the needs of dual career couples. We guarantee that the selection process will give equal opportunities to female and male researchers. As an institution that values diversity, USI particularly encourages applications from women and from all individuals from underrepresented groups.