Dear colleagues,
This mail is to announce a new online seminar series on the “Mathematics of Reaction Networks” (MoRN). Reaction networks are mathematical models mainly used in biochemistry, with the scope of describing the dynamics of particles of different kinds that interact in a homogeneous environment. The mathematics used to study these models sits at the interface of stochastic process theory, algebra, graph theory, analysis.
The seminar will take place twice a month over zoom (Thursday on the 2nd and 4th week of the month, 17.00 Rome time), and consist of two 25-minute long talks followed by longer discussions. The exciting program for the first three sessions is available on the seminar page:
The first two talks will be given on Thursday November 12 by David Anderson from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (he will talk about connections between neural networks and the modeling regime of reaction networks) and Lea Popovic from Concordia University (she will introduce a multiscale stochastic model for interacting particles in a heterogeneous environment, and study its fluid limit). More details are given in the seminar webpage.
New talks will appear on the seminar webpage, as well as the zoom link. If the speaker agrees, talks will be recorded and added to youtube with a private link, and the link will be shared on the seminar webpage.
On the webpage you can subscribe to a mailing list, and you can add the seminar into your calendar. We will send a reminder two days before each talk to subscribed people.
Best wishes,
Daniele Cappelletti (co-organizing the seminar series with Elisenda Feliu and Stefan Mueller)