Ricevo e inoltro, scusandomi per ricezioni multiple. Giacomo Aletti
We are delighted to announce the workshop 'Random Games and Machine Learning' which will take place in Prato 17-20 June 2023 (Monash Campus Prato), Italy. The list of participants includes
Itai Arieli (Technion), Andrea Collevecchio (Monash University), Fabio Coppini (Luiss), Tim Garoni (Monash University), Robert Griffiths (Monash University), Kais Hamza (Monash University), Fima Klebaner (Monash University), Gabor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra), Hlafo Alfie Mimun https://sites.google.com/view/hlafoalfie-mimun/home-page?authuser=0 (LUISS), Arkadi Predtetchinski (Maastricht), Matteo Quattropani (Sapienza Università di Roma), Marco Scarsini (LUISS), Pierre Tarrès (NYU Shanghai), Adrian Vetta (Montreal) , Fima Klebaner (Monash) Vladka Seckarova (Monash), Fabio Coppini (Luiss).
The website (under construction) is https://sites.google.com/view/randomgames2023/ The program will be published soon. If you would like to participate, please contact us asap at andrea.collevecchio@monash.edu Thanks, Andrea (on behalf of the organizing committee)