OWPS's next session will be on Wednesday the 7th of June from 15:00 - 17:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Our next speaker is:
Kavita Ramanan (Brown University)
Title, abstract and the zoom link are below the signature and can be found on the website https://www.owprobability.org/one-world-probability-seminar.
If you are interested in the project, we kindly ask you to share this announcement within your community.
With best wishes, Alberto Chiarini (Padua) and Adrián González Casanova (Berkeley and México)
Talk : Kavita Ramanan (Brown University)
Title: Large Deviations Principles for Interacting Particle Systems on Locally Tree-Like Graphs
Abstract: Interacting particle systems are models of collections of particles with random states whose direct interactions are local with respect to an underlying (possibly random) graph. The study of the large deviations behavior of these systems in the mean-field case, namely when the underlying interaction graph is the complete graph, has been well understood for almost four decades. In contrast, the setting of sparse random graphs is not as well understood. Just as Sanov's theorem plays a key role in the study of the mean-field case, it turns out that a key ingredient in the sparse random graphs setting is a tractable characterization of the large deviations rate function for component empirical measures of locally tree-like marked random graph sequences. The first part of this lecture will first provide background and then present a self-contained description of this LDP. The second part will focus on applications of this LDP to interacting particle systems. The lectures are based on joint works with I-Hsun Chen and Sarath Yasodharan.
Join Zoom Meeting https://unipd.zoom.us/j/82066338407?pwd=MGRiRE9qbVBKSUprU2RZU0M0WGUzQT09 Meeting ID: 820 6633 8407 Passcode: 204363
If you are having trouble with zoom, or if the capacity of the zoom room gets exceeded, you can also access to the Youtube live stream at the channel of the seminar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiLiEQGTp6bZEhuHDM-WNWQ