Buongiorno a tutt*
ho il piacere di annunciare il prossimo webinar del ciclo di seminari online
promosso dal Gruppo UMI PRISMA (http://www.umi-prisma.polito.it/index.html).
*Lunedì 8 maggio 2023*
*ore 16-17 Luisa Beghin *
*Title*: Non-local differential operators in probability
The study of nonlocal differential operators is an active field of research in pure and applied mathematics and has been drawing increasing attention over the last few years. Fractional-order operators (i.e. integrals and derivatives of non-integer order) are maybe the most famous and studied in the literature. Their origin goes back to the end of the seventeenth century, but only recently they have been applied to a variety of fields ranging from biology to engineering, probability theory, physics, image processing among others. In this talk, we will concentrate our attention on the stochastic applications of non-local operators, in particular in the theory of anomalous diffusions and renewal processes.
*ore 17-18 Valentina Cammarota*
*Title*: On the Correlation of Critical Points and Angular Trispectrum for Random Spherical Harmonics.
We prove a Central Limit Theorem for the Critical Points of Random Spherical Harmonics, in the High-Energy Limit. The result is a consequence of a deeper characterizations of the total number of critical points, which are shown to be asymptotically fully correlated with the sample trispectrum, i.e., the integral of the fourth Hermite polynomial evaluated on the eigenfunctions themselves. As a consequence, the total number of critical points and the nodal length are fully correlated for random spherical harmonics, in the high-energy limit.
Qui di seguito il link per la partecipazione:
Cari saluti,
Claudia Ceci
Claudia Ceci
Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli per l’Economia, il Territorio e la Finanza (MEMOTEF)
Università di Roma La Sapienza Via Del Castro Laurenziano 9 Roma 00161 Italy
Email: claudia.ceci@uniroma1.it