Carissimi, Siamo felici di annunciarvi la settima giornata di seminari:
University of Florence Friday 22 March 2019
Lecturers: Giovanni Gallavotti (Roma) and Silke Rolles (Munich)
Location: Aula Tricerri Viale Morgagni 67, Firenze Informazionei su come arrivare alla pagina:
Note pratiche: Stiamo prenotando un catering con cibi vegerariani e non, percio` abbiamo bisogno del numero di persone che vogliono mangiare insieme. A coloro che fossero interessati (per una migliore organizzazione) chiedo di mandare un email a ; ; , con l'intenzione di partecipare al coffe break, al pranzo, o al seminario.
PROGRAMMA Prof. Giovanni Gallavotti (Universita` di Roma La Sapienza)
Title: Statistical ensembles, entropy and probability in statistical mechanics, and extension to chaotic motions.
Abstract: A historical view on the theoretical developments generated by Boltzmann's attempt to find a mechanical interpretation of the second principle, from the action principle to the Boltzmann's equation to phase transitions and their universality to the modern developments in the non-equilibrium thermodynamics. In the second part the case of fluid mechanics and an interpretation of viscosity and irreversibility will be analyzed and related to an extension of the statistical ensembles to non-equilibrium phenomena.
Prof. Silke Rolles (Technical University of Munich)
Title: Processes with reinforcement.
Abstract: In 1986, Persi Diaconis introduced edge-reinforced random Walk as a simple model for a tourist exploring an unknown city. Already then, he raised the question of recurrence and transience of this process on the d-dimensional integer lattice. Since edge-reinforced random walk is more likely to traverse edges that have been traversed often before and simple random walk is recurrent in dimension 2, recurrence of edge-reinforced random walk on the two-dimensional integer lattice may seem intuitively clear. However, a proof of this result was only found in 2015 by Sabot and Zeng. For dimensions larger or equal to 3 a phase transition between recurrence and transience was shown by Disertori, Sabot and Tarres in 2011 and 2014.
In the talk I will give an overview of the subject and present some basic techniques. In particular, the edge-reinforced random walk is a mixture of reversible Markov chains with an explicitly known mixing measure. In a special case, this can be illustrated with an analogous result for the Polya urn.
Program: 11.00-11.45 Introductory lecture: Gallavotti 11.45-12.00 Break 12.00-12.45 Seminar: Gallavotti 13.00-14.30 Lunch 14.30-15.15 Introductory lecture: Rolles 15.15-15.30 Break 15.30-16.30 Seminar: Rolles
Organizers: G. Bet, F. Caravenna, N. Cancrini, E.N.M. Cirillo, P. Dai Pra, A. De Masi, D. Fanelli, F. Flandoli, C. Giardina`, R. Livi, F. Martinelli, I.G. Minelli, F.R. Nardi, E. Presutti, B. Scoppola, E. Scoppola.
Ricordo che ciascuno oratore fara` una lezione introduttiva e divulgativa di 45 minuti pensata proprio per i non esperti, seguita da altri 45 minuti di tipo seminario (vedi programma).
Maggiori informazioni e aggiornamenti sono reperibili alla pagina web
Vi aspettiamo numerosi Francesca R. Nardi e Gianmarco Bet
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica Università degli Studi di Firenze Viale Morgagni 67, Firenze, Italy