We are delighted to announce the fifth webinar of the series Junior Bayes Beyond the Borders (JB^3): an online seminar series jointly organized by the BayesLab (https://www.bayeslab.unibocconi.eu/) at Bocconi University and j-ISBA (https://j-isba.github.io/), the junior section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis. JB^3 aims at highlighting the work of outstanding junior researchers in Bayesian Statistics (for more information visit www.bayeslab.unibocconi.eu/webinarseries<http://www.bayeslab.unibocconi.eu/webinarseries>). The webinar will be:
Date: 16 July 2020, 3pm UTC (5pm Italy time)
Speaker: Christian A. Naesseth (Columbia University)
Title: Machine learning using approximate inference: Variational and sequential Monte Carlo methods
Discussant: Arnaud Doucet (University of Oxford)
The zoom links to join the webinars will be made available at www.bayeslab.unibocconi.eu/webinarseries<http://www.bayeslab.unibocconi.eu/webinarseries> a few hours before the webinars.
Kind regards,
Giacomo Zanella
[La tua firma può scrivere un futuro. Aiuta gli studenti meritevoli a costruire il proprio. Dai il tuo 5x1000 alla Bocconi C.F. 80024610158]
Please note that the above message is addressed only to individuals filing Italian income tax returns.
5x1000 is a percentage of Italian personal income tax that taxpayers can allocate to Universities, scientific research and non profit organizations.
Ricevo ed inoltro.
Alessandra Cipriani
Dear all,
At TU Delft, we have a vacant position in our statistics section. For more details, please view the vacancy text:
The application deadline is September 30. Feel free to forward the announcement to potential candidates!
With best regards, Geurt
Prof. dr. ir. Geurt Jongbloed
Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics
Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
TU Delft
W http://diamweb.ewi.tudelft.nl/~geurt/
Assistant: Cecilia van der Hoeven
T +31 (0)15 27 81939
E Cecilia.vanderHoeven(a)tudelft.nl<mailto:Cecilia.vanderHoeven@tudelft.nl>
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the organization of the 1st School in
"Machine Learning of Dynamic Processes and Time Series Analysis”
that will be held at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa (Italy) on 26-27 November 2020.
The purpose of this School is to present recent developments in Machine Learning focusing on dynamical systems. Applications will also be discussed, such as the forecasting of financial time series.
The School provides 4 main lectures given by
Christa Cuchiero, University of Vienna
Lyudmila Grigoryevya, University of Konstanz
Juan-Pablo Ortega, University of St. Gallen and CNRS
Josef Teichmann, ETH Zurich
Detailed information on the School, on the issues related to the Covid-19 and instructions for applications can be found at:
www.mldyn2020sns.com <http://www.mldyn2020sns.com/>
The registration and application deadline is September 30, 2020.
The organizers,
Fabrizio Lillo
Giulia Livieri
Stefano Marmi
Piero Mazzarisi
A tutti gli interessati
Visto il successo della prima edizione, lo Sportello Matematico per
l'Innovazione e le Imprese <https://www.sportellomatematico.it/SMII/> sta
organizzando la seconda edizione del corso in “Trasferimento delle
Tecnologie Matematiche per l’Innovazione”.
A seguito dell'emergenza COVID-19, la seconda edizione sarà interamente
online. Il corso si svolgerà durante il periodo dal 1° Settembre al 10
Settembre 2020.
Il corso è rivolto principalmente a giovani laureati in Scienze Matematiche
e Fisiche, Ingegneria, Economia, Informatica e Statistica, con l’obiettivo
di formare la figura professionale dell’Esperto in Trasferimento delle
Scienze e Tecnologie Matematiche per l’Innovazione (in breve: Traduttore
Tale figura nasce per facilitare la comunicazione e promuovere
collaborazioni tra imprese e centri di ricerca. Grazie alla sua formazione
interdisciplinare, il Traduttore Tecnologico è in grado di abilitare un
numero crescente di collaborazioni volte ad apportare benefici tangibili
alle imprese e facilitare l’incontro e l’intermediazione tra i bisogni
tecnologici delle PMI e le competenze nelle Scienze e Tecnologie
Matematiche disponibili nel sistema della ricerca pubblica e privata,
attraverso la mediazione e lo scambio continuo tra i diversi stakeholder
Il corso è gratuito. Per favorire la partecipazione, il numero dei
partecipanti è esteso a 50, selezionati sulla base del curriculum e di una
lettera motivazionale.
Modalità di presentazione
Per procedere con la domanda di partecipazione, si prega di inviare entro
il 31 Luglio 2020 il proprio CV aggiornato ed una lettera motivazionale di
autopresentazione al seguente indirizzo email:
sportello(a)sportellomatematico.it, indicando nell’oggetto “Domanda
partecipazione – Corso Traduttore Tecnologico”.
Per informazioni: www.corsotraduttoretecnologico.it
Il Team dello Sportello Matematico
Tecnologie Matematiche: cosa sono, come vengono applicate nelle imprese,
tendenze del mercato della Ricerca e Innovazione, Prototipazione Virtuale e
Digital Twinning.
Trasferimento Tecnologico: contesto italiano ed internazionale, settori
industriali, esperienze di successo e strategie di comunicazione.
Gestione dell'Innovazione: concetti, fonti, forme, modelli ed ecosistemi
dell'innovazione, Open Innovation e rapporto con la Proprietà Intellettuale
Sistemi di Supporto alle Decisioni e Ricerca Operativa: abilitare il
potenziale delle Tecnologie Matematiche nel Management.
Attori e Strutture Organizzative: Best practices, il ruolo dello Sportello
Matematico in Italia ed in Europa.
Area Ricerca e Innovazione presso imprese manifatturiere e di servizi
Trasferimento Tecnologico e Valorizzazione della Ricerca presso Università
e Centri di Ricerca
Tirocini formativi presso il progetto Sportello Matematico (IAC-CNR)
Partecipazione a Progetti Europei su Tecnologie Matematiche per
Maurizio Ceseri
Sportello Matematico per l'Innovazione e le Imprese
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo (IAC-CNR)
via dei Taurini 19, 00185 Roma (Italy)
Tel: (+39) 0649937369
Website: sportellomatematico.it
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Dear Colleagues,
We hope that you are well and safe! We would like to advertise again the
Summer School on PDE & Randomness that starts in less than two weeks on
20/07/20. The school aims to present some of the most exciting recent
developments at the interface of Statistical mechanics, Stochastic Analysis
and PDEs. It will feature four courses:
• Roland Bauerschmidt (Cambridge): "Log-Sobolev inequality and the
renormalisation group”
• Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHES and university of Geneva): "Marginal triviality
of the scaling limits of critical 4D Ising and ϕ^4_4 models”
• Martin Hairer (Imperial College London): “Stochastic Yang-Mills”
• Nicolas Perkowski (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany): "A Markovian
perspective on some singular SPDEs”
You can visit our webpage
for more informations, abstracts for the lectures and the finalised
If you are interested in the event please subscribe to our mailing list:
send an empty email (completely empty, it is important to delete automatic
signatures, etc.)
with the subject "subscribe pderandom your name“ to sympa(a)lists.bath.ac.uk.
Please feel free to forward this announcement to everyone who might be
Best wishes,
Hendrik Weber and Andris Gerasimovics
We are delighted to announce the third and forth webinars of the series Junior Bayes Beyond the Borders (JB^3): an online seminar series jointly organized by the BayesLab (https://www.bayeslab.unibocconi.eu/) at Bocconi University and j-ISBA (https://j-isba.github.io/), the junior section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis. JB^3 aims at highlighting the work of outstanding junior researchers in Bayesian Statistics (for more information visit www.bayeslab.unibocconi.eu/webinarseries<http://www.bayeslab.unibocconi.eu/webinarseries>). The two webinars will be:
Date: 09 July 2020, 2pm UTC (4pm Italy time)
Speaker: Espen Bernton (Columbia University)
Title: Schrödinger bridge samplers
Discussant: Michela Ottobre (Heriot Watt University)
Date: 09 July 2020, 3pm UTC (5pm Italy time)
Speaker: Alejandra Avalos-Pacheco (Harvard University)
Title: Factor regression for dimensionality reduction and data integration techniques with applications to cancer data
Discussant: Peter Mueller (UT Austin)
The zoom links to join the webinars will be made available at www.bayeslab.unibocconi.eu/webinarseries<http://www.bayeslab.unibocconi.eu/webinarseries> a few hours before the webinars.
Kind regards,
Giacomo Zanella
[La tua firma può scrivere un futuro. Aiuta gli studenti meritevoli a costruire il proprio. Dai il tuo 5x1000 alla Bocconi C.F. 80024610158]
Please note that the above message is addressed only to individuals filing Italian income tax returns.
5x1000 is a percentage of Italian personal income tax that taxpayers can allocate to Universities, scientific research and non profit organizations.
A PhD scholarship in probability theory is available at University of
Strasbourg, France. The studies will be comenthored by Dr. Vlada Limic
(Strasbourg) and Prof.dr. Anja Sturm (Göttingen, Germany). The scholarship
amount is 10800 EUR, for three consecutive years. Extra funding is planned
to cover candidate's relocation costs and longterm stays in Göttingen. The
research program is in probability theory, more precisely in the area of
near critical random graphs and networks. Good language of English is
required. Teaching duties (in French, possibly English) are optional, and
they would be additionally remunerated. Strong candidates are encouraged to
write directly to limic(a)math.unistra.fr.
Kiva.org - Loans That Change Lives
https://sites.google.com/view/smmn <https://sites.google.com/view/smmn>
The NetSci 2020 conference has been confirmed in on-line mode and we would like to draw your attention to a satellite session which will take place before the main conference.
Since there are some available spots for contributed talks, we invite interested applicants to submit one-page abstract, to be considered for the satellite session.
The objective of the Satellite conference on "Statistical Mechanics Methods for Networks” is to bring together academics, young researchers and PhD students working in the area of statistical models of both static and dynamic networks. A particular focus is then given to the study of methods based on Statistical Mechanics of networks, which permit the learning of mechanisms driving the formation and the evolution of the networked systems. The Satellite will provide an opportunity for participants engaged in research at the forefront of this area to discuss the novel results and may, in turn, suggest fruitful and relevant directions for future research.
Submit your one page abstract through a form at https://sites.google.com/view/smmn/submission <https://sites.google.com/view/smmn/submission>
Important dates:
* Abstract/Paper submission deadline: 20.04.2020 14.07.2020
* Notification of acceptance: 27.04.2020 16-07-2020
- subject to change, depending on the final NetSci 2020 timeline
Where: Online
When: 17th September
Rossana Mastrandrea (IMT Lucca)
Andrey Lokhov (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Graphs Ensembles
- Network Reconstruction
- Statistical Inference
- Phase Transitions in Network Models
- Percolation in Networks
- Maximum Entropy for Networks
- Statistically Validated Networks
Piero Mazzarisi (Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa)
Mateusz Wilinski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Paolo Barucca (University College London)
Agata Fronczak (Politechnika Warszawska)
Fabrizio Lillo (Università di Bologna)
Leto Peel (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Tiago Peixoto (Central European University)
Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron (Politechnika Wroclawska)
Daniele Tantari (Università di Bologna)
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Andreas Kyprianou <ak257(a)bath.ac.uk>
Date: mer 1 lug 2020 alle ore 14:01
Subject: [owps] One World Probability Seminar Thursday 2nd July 2020:
To: <owps(a)lists.bath.ac.uk>
One World Probability Seminar Thursday 2nd July 2020:
Tomorrow's speakers in the One World Probability Seminar are
14.00 UTC: Ron Peled (Tel Aviv): Fluctuations of random surfaces and
concentration inequalities for log-concave distributions
Abstract: Random surfaces in statistical physics are commonly modeled by a
real-valued function on a d-dimensional lattice, whose probability density
penalizes nearest-neighbor fluctuations according to an interaction
U. The case U(x)=x^2 is the well-studied lattice Gaussian free field, while
one-dimensional random surfaces are equivalent to random walks. Our focus is
on dimensions d>=2 and general U. Brascamp-Lieb-Lebowitz conjectured in 1975
that such random surfaces are localized in dimensions d>=3 under mild
assumptions on U. Their work establishes the conjecture when U is uniformly
convex (its second derivative is uniformly bounded from zero), as a
consequence of the Brascamp-Lieb concentration inequality. To date, this
remains the main case for which the conjecture is verified, with the result
missing even when U(x) = x^4. We establish new concentration inequalities
log-concave distributions, extending the Brascamp-Lieb inequality, and use
them to prove localization in many new cases, including the family U(x) =
^p with p>1. Further consequences regard the maximum height for a class of
random surfaces discussed by Deuschel-Giacomin (2000).
The talk will be a gentle introduction to the model and the results. No
knowledge of random surfaces or log-concave distributions will be assumed.
Joint work with Alexander Magazinov.
15.00: UTC Omer Angel (Vancouver): Excited martingales
Abstract: We consider a random walk that moves in the Z^2 that moves
vertically on the first visit to each site and horizontally on subsequent
visits. We give new lower bounds on the growth of the range of such walks.
Joint with Mark Holmes and Alejandro Ramirez.
As always, the Zoom-room link will appear on the OWPS seminar webpage:
But you can also link to it directly by clicking this link tomorrow:
Meeting-ID: 835 1239 0999
Please feel free to circulate this email.
We hope to see you all tomorrow!
One World Probability Team
For the videos you can also subscribe to the Youtube or Bilibili channels:
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 5, Phone (0039) 06 49913252