Dear Colleagues,
I am happy to announce that there is an opening for a* 2 years post-doc
position* in my research group - at the *Department of Mathematics of
Luxembourg University* <> -
starting on *December 1st, 2023 *(or later). At a later stage, it will be
possible to extend the position by one additional year.
Here is a link to the page of the official announcement, from which it is
possible to apply
With my best regards, Giovanni Peccati
Prof. Giovanni Peccati
Head of the Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science,
Technology and Medicine
University of Luxembourg
E-mail: giovanni.peccati(a)
Dear all,
the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy) has opened the call for the
recruitment of an RTD-A (three year fixed term researcher) in the
scientific sector SECS-S/06 Mathematical Methods of Economics, Finance and
actuarial Sciences.
The call is available at…
and the deadline is July 28.
The position is partially funded by the grant PNRR - Infrastrutture di
Ricerca -
Please distribute the call to potentially interested applicants
Fabrizio Lillo
Fabrizio Lillo
Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Personal website:
University website:
phone: +39 050509159
We forward for your information
-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: 25 scholarships in Demography and Social Statistics - PhD Life
Course Research
Data: Fri, 7 Jul 2023 09:35:29 +0200
Mittente: Daniele Vignoli <daniele.vignoli(a)>
Dear Colleagues and friends,
I would like to inform you about the launch of a new *PhD Program* in *Life
Course Research* <>, based on a national alliance
among 29 associated Universities across Italian regions.
The program offers *25 PhD scholarships* in *Demography *and *Social
Statistics *(a list of topics, with the corresponding reference persons,
can be found here
The PhD program in *Life Course Research* fosters the study of life courses
and the significant events that shape them from a *holistic and
transdisciplinary perspective*. The program establishes a Scientific
Consortium between scholars from the *biomedical, psychological, and
socio-demographic fields*.
The PhD program in *Life Course Research* will train a new generation of
highly skilled scholars with a strong emphasis on *quantitative methods *and
*data analysis*.
*Unique features* of the Phd in *Life Course Research* are: 1)
*Thematic* rather
than disciplinary identity; 2) *Super-departmental* and *super-regional* nature
of the Consortium to overcome the fragmentation of local approaches;
3) *Multilevel
teaching structure* (national/local).
The deadline for applications is *August 7*.
More info here:
How to apply:
Best wishes,
Daniele Vignoli
*Daniele Vignoli*
Professor of Demography
*DiSIA* - Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni
University of Florence
Viale G.B. Morgagni 59
Cari colleghi,
nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 48 del 27/06/2023 e nel sito del MUR è stato pubblicato l’avviso del bando per l’assunzione
di n. 1 ricercatore a tempo determinato in tenure track (RTT) ai sensi dell’art. 24 della legge 30 dicembre 2010 n. 240,
presso il Dipartimento di Economia – nell’ambito del progetto “Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2023 - 2027”
Il bando integrale e la modulistica per la partecipazione sono disponibili nel sito web alla pagina concorsi (“Ricercatori”)
Ricercare la procedura di interesse mediante il codice concorso: BR159 ovvero al link sotto…
La domanda di partecipazione dovrà essere presentata entro e non oltre il giorno 27/07/2023, esclusivamente per via telematica, utilizzando l’applicazione informatica alla pagina:
Per eventuali informazioni contattare l’Ufficio Reclutamento docenti (tel. 0332/21 9182–9183-9184 e-mail: reclutamento.docenti(a)
Vi prego di dare la più ampia visibilità al bando a giovani meritevoli interessati a partecipare.
Grazie e cordiali saluti,
Assegno di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche (Gruppo di
Chimica Teorica), Università di Padova
Research fellowship at the Department of Chemical Sciences (Theoretical
Chemistry Group), University of Padova
·*Progetto PNRR / PNRR Project*: CN HPC Spoke 1
·*Durata dell’assegno / Duration of the fellowship*: 12 mesi / months
·*Selezioni / Selections*: 22.08.2023
·*Inizio dell’assegno / Felloship starts in*: settembre o ottobre 2023 /
september or october 2023
·*Lordo percipiente / gorss amount*: 19367.00 Euro
·*Titolo/Title* Strategie meshless ottimizzate tramite machine learning
per la soluzione di equazioni stocastiche in molti gradi di libertà
Machine learning-optimized meshless strategies for the solution
of stochastic equations in many degrees of freedom
L’assegnista si occuperà dello sviluppo e dell’implementazione di un
software per risolvere equazioni stocastiche in molti gradi di libertà, in
particolare ottimizzandolo su GPU o architetture hardware simili, ossia
che permettano una parallelizzazione estesa su singola scheda.
La strategia di risoluzione si baserà su tecniche meshless, dato che il
software dovrà essere in grado di affrontare problemi con O(10-100)
gradi di libertà.
Per ridurre il costo computazionale sarà necessario stabilire la miglior
scelta (adattiva) dei punti su cui rappresentare la soluzione
A tale scopo, tecniche di machine learning potranno sfruttare la
costruzione iterativa della soluzione sia per accelerare il processo
stesso, sia
per definire la miglior distribuzione di punti.
The research fellow will be responsible for the development and
implementation of a software package able to solve stochastic equations
in many degrees of freedom.
The software should be optimized for GPUs or similar hardware
architectures that allow for extensive parallelization on a single
board. The resolution strategy will be
based on meshless techniques since the software needs to be able to
handle problems with O(10-100) degrees of freedom. To reduce the
computational cost the optimal
(adaptive) choice of points for representing the solution of the
equation must be determined. To this purpose, machine learning
techniques can be used to exploit the iterative
construction of the solution, both to speed up the process itself and to
define the best distribution of points.
·*Link (dal / from 13.07.2023 al / to 28.07.2023)*: <>
Prof. Marco Ferrante
Prorettore alla Didattica
Vice-Rector for Teaching and Education
Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita"
Università degli Studi di Padova
Via Trieste 63 , I-35121 Padova - ITALY
Tel: +39-0498271366 Fax: +39-0498271499
Dipartimento di Matematica, UNIVERSITÀ Tor Vergata, ROMA
Non-central moderate deviations for compound fractional Poisson
The term moderate deviations is often used in the literature to mean a
class of large deviation principles that, in some sense, fills the gap
between a convergence in probability to zero (governed by a large
deviation principle) and a weak convergence to a centered Normal
distribution. We talk about non-central moderate deviations when the
weak convergence is towards a non-Gaussian distribution. In this paper
we study non-central moderate deviations for compound fractional Poisson
processes with light-tailed jumps. Joint work with Luisa Beghin.
Il seminario si terrà il giorno 12 LUGLIO 2023 ore 16:00 nella Aula E
del Dipartimento Matematica e Applicazioni, Università di Napoli
FEDERICO II, Complesso di Monte Sant'Angelo, Via Cintia, Napoli.
Link to Teams:…
Enrica Pirozzi
Professore Associato di Probabilità e Statistica,
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni,
Università di Napoli FEDERICO II
Via Cintia, 80126, NAPOLI
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences of SUSSEX UNIVERSITY
A fractional Hawkes process
A Hawkes point process with kernel proportional to the probability
density function of Mittag-
Leffler random variables is introduced. This kernel decays as a power
law with exponent $\beta+1
\in (1,2]$. Several analytical results are proved, in particular for the
expected intensity of the point
process and for the expected number of events of the counting process.
These analytical results are
used to validate algorithms that numerically invert the Laplace
transform of the expected intensity
as well as Monte Carlo simulations of the process. Finally, Monte Carlo
simulations are used to
derive the distribution of the number of events. The algorithms used for
this presentation are
available at
Relevant papers:
Chen, J, Hawkes, A G and Scalas, E (2021) A fractional Hawkes process.
In: Beghin, Luisa, Mainardi,
Francesco and Garrappa, Roberto (eds.) Nonlocal and fractional
operators. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series,
26 . Springer International Publishing, pp. 121-131.
Habyarimana, Cassien, Aduda, Jane A, Scalas, Enrico, Chen, Jing, Hawkes,
Alan G and Polito, Federico
(2023) A fractional Hawkes process II: further characterization of the
process. Physica A: Statistical
Mechanics and its Applications, 615. pp. 1-11.
Il seminario si terrà il giorno 12 LUGLIO 2023 ore 15:00 nella Aula E
del Dipartimento Matematica
e Applicazioni, Università di Napoli FEDERICO II, Complesso di Monte
Sant'Angelo, Via Cintia,
Link to Teams:
Enrica Pirozzi
Professore Associato di Probabilità e Statistica,
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni,
Università di Napoli FEDERICO II
Via Cintia, 80126, NAPOLI
Dear alla
we are glad to announce the seminar of Barbara Vantaggi at the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Bologna
The seminar is today July 6th 2023 at 4 pm.
A dynamic Choquet pricing rule with bid-ask spreads under ambiguity
We introduce a dynamic pricing rule allowing for frictions in the form of bid-ask spreads, by modeling “risk-neutral” uncertainty through belief functions.
The aim is to face pricing in a multi-period binomial market model under ambiguity. To this purpose, we introduce and characterize Dempster-Shafer multiplicative binomial processes together with the induced conditional Choquet expectation operator.
Next, we consider a market formed by a frictionless risk-free bond (whose price is modeled by a deterministic process) and a non-dividend paying stock with frictions (whose lower price is modeled by a Dempster Shafer multiplicative binomial process). In this market we prove an analog of the classical theorem of change of measure relying on the notion of equivalent one-step Choquet martingale belief function.
We then propose a dynamic Choquet pricing rule with bid-ask spreads showing that the discounted lower price process of a European derivative contract on the stock is a Choquet super-martingale. We also provide a normative justification in terms of a dynamic generalized no-arbitrage condition.
We finally discuss the connections of the introduced dynamic pricing rule with time-consistency and dynamic risk measures.
The talk is based on papers in collaboration with A.Cinfrignini and D. Petturiti
Here is the link to attend online:
Partecipa da computer, app per dispositivi mobili o dispositivo della stanza
Fai clic qui per partecipare alla riunione<…>
ID riunione: 351 139 477 023
Passcode: RzjM3Z
Dear all,
we are glad to announce the workshop
RoMaDS: A day on Statistical Physics for Machine Learning
which will take place at University of Rome Tor Vergata on September 15, 2023.
Invited speakers:
Andrea Agazzi
Elena Agliari
Giulio Biroli
Matthieu Wyart
Riccardo Zecchina
Registration at…
Is free but compulsory.
Thanks for sharing with those who might be interested.
The organizers
Domenico Marinucci, Michele Salvi, Stefano Vigogna

Dear all,
this is to inform you that the first edition of the AMASES Summer School
will be held next September 4-6 at the University of Rome "La Sapienza",
Building CU002.
The goal of the Amases summer schools is to train young scholars on topics
that are relevant in the context of mathematics applied to the social
This year the title of the school is Social, Financial and Economic
More information on the website:
For any question, do not hesitate to contact the organizers:
Fabrizio Lillo <fabrizio.lillo(a)>
Roy Cerqueti <roy.cerqueti(a)>
**Fai crescere le giovani ricercatrici e i giovani ricercatori*
**con il 5
per mille alla Sapienza
*Scrivi il codice fiscale dell'Università
Cinque per mille <>*