Segnalo questo annuncio per una posizione alla USP di Sao Paulo, con
preghiera di diffusione.
Job Opportunity at USP, one of the largest and most influential
universities in Latin America.
The Department of Statistics at IME-USP is seeking to fill a position for
Assistant Professor.
Candidates are required to hold a doctoral degree.
Announcement: ATAc - 020/2024
Application Deadline: July 5, 2024
Salary: R$ 12.539.89 per month (Brazilian real, as of May 2023)
Fields of Expertise: Data Science, Statistics, and Probability
The applicant must specify her field of expertise during the application
Please note that at the request of the applicant, exams can be conducted in
during the application process.
For more information, please visit:
Or contact:
Prof. Fábio Prates Machado
Email: fmachado(a)
*The frontiers of new risks:
AI, digital and sustainability transitions *
Venice, Italy
3 – 4 October 2024
*GRETA Associati* (Venice, Italy),*CRIF* (Bologna, Italy), *European
Datawarehouse *(Frankfurt am Main, Germany), *European Investment Fund*
(Luxembourg), *Intesa Sanpaolo* (Milan, Italy) and *Modefinance*
(Trieste, Italy) are partners in organising a Conference to be held in
Venice on October 3-4, 2024. *
The CREDIT 2024 conference will bring together academics, practitioners
and PhD students working in various areas of financial and
socio-economic risk with the aim of creating a unique opportunity for
participants to discuss research progress and policy as well as
industry-relevant insights and directions for future research.
CREDIT 2024 is the *twenty-third* in a series of events dedicated to
various aspects of credit risk and organised under the auspices of: the
*Department of Economics *and*VERA - Venice centre in Economic and Risk
Analytics for public policies* - of the *Ca’ Foscari University of
Venice*,*Joint Research Center European Commission*, *ABI - Italian
Banking Association*, *AIAF - Associazione Italiana per l'Analisi
Finanziaria*, *AIFIRM - Associazione Italiana Financial Industry Risk
Sustainability necessarily involves the adaptation of today’s business
model to the dynamic nature of the current digitalised environments.
Corporations need to make sure that resources, especially technology,
are being used responsibly and efficiently to improve the lives of the
present generations and future generations as well as strengthen their
relationships with the environment as to solve sustainability-related
problems such as poverty, environmental degradation, pollution and
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to address these societal
problems including sustainability. The climate crisis and the
degradation of the physical environment are complex problems that
require the most innovative and advanced solutions. The real value of AI
hence lies in its ability to facilitate and foster environmental and
social governance, rather just as a tool to reduce pollution, poverty
and resource depletion.
In the age of AI, societies depend on big data, social media, knowledge
management and data science to survive and achieve these sustainability
goals. AI has the potential to reshape not only finance and industry but
also the whole society. There is need to understand opportunities and
challenges as to properly manage all relevant risks.
The organisers encourage submissions on any topic within the overall
theme of the conference, with attention to *the use of AI to assess the
sustainability impact of finance *(i.e. exploiting AI techniques or Big
Data to bridge primary information gaps and proxy the sustainability
impact) and *on how climate and digital risks may interact* (i.e.
climate denial, social media and social media strategies including
The final program will include both submitted and invited papers.
Acceptances received so far from invited speakers include *Patrick
Bolton *(Imperial College London), and *Roberto Rigobon* (MIT Sloan
School of Management). The Conference will also include panel
discussions on the major issues at stake with the views of researchers',
practitioners' and policy makers.
The SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE for the Conference consists of:
*Marcin Kacperczyk *(Imperial College London, Programme Chair)
*Monica Billio* (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice & GRETA)
*Marie Brière* (AMUNDI & Université Libre de Bruxelles)
*Lucia Alessi* (Joint Research Center, European Commission)
*Leonardo Gambacorta *(Bank For International Settlements)
*Mila Getmansky* (Isenberg School of Management, UMass Amherst)
*Christian Gollier* (Toulouse School of Economics)
*Helmut Kraemer-Eis *(European Investment Fund)
*Jan Pieter Krahnen *(Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE &
Goethe University)
*Steven Ongena* (University of Zurich, Swiss Finance Institute, KU
Leuven, NTNU Business School & CEPR)
*Roberto Rigobon *(MIT Sloan School of Management)
*Stephen Schaefer* (London Business School)
*Marti Subrahmanyam *(NYU Stern Business School)
Those wishing to present a paper at the Conference should submit by
*June 10, 2024 *to the address given below (preferably in electronic
format). Please indicate to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Decisions regarding acceptance will be made by July 10, 2024. The final
version of accepted papers must be received by August 31, 2024.
Please send papers to:
GRETA Associati, Dorsoduro 3707 - 30123 Venice, ITALY
Phone : +39 349 060 3656 - e-mail: credit(a)
More detailed information on the Conference website:
Dear all,
The Call for FOUR-YEAR Ph.D. Programme in Economics at the Universities
of Milan and Pavia the 2024/25 academic year is out (in Italian) at…
An update call in English is available at
The deadline is 27 June. We offer a FULLY FUNDED, FOUR YEAR FULL TIME
If you are interested in doing some Bayesian time series econometrics
and forecasting, feel free to apply.
Please circulate this among your contacts, and to any student that you
think may be a good perspective candidate.
Best regards
Prof. Luca Rossini
Associate Professor in Statistics,
Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods
University of Milan (Statale), Italy
email: luca.rossini87(a); luca.rossini(a)
skype: luca.rossini14
Buongiorno a tutti,
Vorremmo segnalarvi che venerdì prossimo (7 Giugno) alle ore 14:15 in aula
2AB45 (Torre Archimede, Università di Padova) ci sarà un seminario per il
ciclo di seminari in Probabilità e Finanza di:
Francesca Primavera (Università di Vienna)
Title: Functional Itô formula and Taylor expansion for non-anticipative
maps of rough paths
Date: June 7, 2024, at 14:15, 2AB45
Abstract: We rely on the approximation properties of the signature of
càdlàg rough paths to derive a functional Itô formula for non-anticipative
maps of rough paths. This leads to a functional extension of the Itô formula
for càdlàg rough paths (by Friz and Zhang (2018)) which coincides with the
change of variable formula formulated by Dupire (2009) as well as by Cont
and Fournie (2010), whenever the notions of the regularity of the
functionals and the integration coincide. As a byproduct, we show that
sufficiently regular non-anticipative path functionals admit a functional
Taylor expansion, leading to a far reaching generalization of the recently
established results by Dupire and Tissot-Daguette (2022).
The talk is based on ongoing joint work with Christa Cuchiero and Xin Guo.
Vi aspettiamo numerosi!
Alberto Chiarini e Alekos Cecchin
Sito web del seminario: