Dear colleagues,
you are all invited to participate in the following seminar organized by QFinLab - Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano.
Wednesday, 5 March 2025, 12.00-13.00
Seminar room, third floor, building 14, Via Bonardi 9, Milano (Leonardo Campus)
Katia Colaneri (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
Title: Expect the worst! Optimal emission abatement under tax policy uncertainty and stochastic differential games.
Abstract: We study the problem of a profit maximizing electricity producer who has to pay carbon taxes and who decides on investments into technologies for the abatement of CO emissions in an environment where carbon tax policy is random and where the investment in the abatement technology is divisible, irreversible and subject to transaction costs.
We consider two approaches for modelling the randomness in taxes. First we assume a precise probabilistic model for the tax process, namely a pure jump Markov process (so-called tax risk); this leads to a stochastic control problem for the investment strategy.
Second, we analyze the case of an uncertainty-averse producer who uses a differential game to decide on optimal production and investment. We carry out a rigorous mathematical analysis of the producer's optimization problem and of the associated nonlinear PDEs in both cases. Numerical methods are used to study quantitative properties of the optimal investment strategy.
We find that in the tax risk case the investment in abatement technologies is typically lower than in a benchmark scenario with deterministic taxes. However, there are a couple of interesting new twists related to production technology, divisibility of the investment, tax rebates and investor expectations. In the stochastic differential game on the other hand an increase in uncertainty might stipulate more investment.
Next seminar: Claudio Fontana (Università di Padova), 2 April 12.00.
All news can be found on the QFinLab webpage<>.
The organizers: Michele Azzone and Alessandro Calvia
Dear all,
We are happy to announce the *2nd RSS/Turing Workshop on Gradient Flows for
Sampling, Inference, and Learning *which will take place at the Alan Turing
Institute in London on 24 March 2025.
This one day event is sponsored by the Royal Statistical Society through
its Computational Statistics and Machine Learning Section and The Alan
Turing Institute, and will cover a wide range of topics connected to
gradient flows including talks by
Sahani Pathiraja (UNSW Sydney)
Rocco Caprio (University of Warwick)
Anna Korba (ENSAE/CREST)
Paula Cordero Encinar (Imperial College London)
Arthur Gretton (University College London/DeepMind)
Jonas Latz (University of Manchester)
For more info check…
We look forward to seeing you there!
The organising committee: Deniz Akyildiz, Francesca Crucinio and Andrew
Apologies for cross-postings.
Special Issue on
Climate and Nature Risk in Mathematical Finance
Guest Editors:
Andrea Macrina & Peter Tankov
New extended deadline for submissions: 30 April 2025
The urgency and complexity of the climate crisis call for contributions from
many scientific domains. In finance, modelling challenges posed by the
environmental transition and by the climate change and nature-related risks
call for inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, based on a multitude of
data sources and long-term projections taking into account deep
uncertainty. The mathematical finance community, which has developed robust
systematic approaches to financial modelling and risk management, is well
placed to address these challenges and has already made numerous
quantitative contributions to the field of green finance. Mathematical
Finance will dedicate a Special Issue to Mathematical Finance for Climate
and Nature to further emphasise this area of research.
Submissions to the Special Issue should develop and apply novel mathematical
and statistical methods to financial and economic problems arising in the
field of green finance and meet the editorial standards of Mathematical
Finance as detailed in the aims and scope statement of the journal.
Submissions with a policy or industry perspective are encouraged.
We invite in particular the submission of original research articles on the
following topics:
Assessment of climate and nature-related risks and uncertainties in
financial systems; climate stress testing.
Study of transmission channels of physical risks, transition risk and
nature-related risks to asset prices, portfolios and the stability of
the financial system.
Optimal policies and incentives for environmental transition and
adaptation of the economy, from the central planner perspective and in
decentralised systems.
Optimal design and study of financial and insurance products, including
derivative products, for managing climate and nature-related risks and
for financing the environmental transition and adaptation.
Design and study of transition scenarios; quantification of scenario
Net zero investment: quantitative methodologies for constructing
net-zero-aligned portfolios and portfolios with positive impact on
nature and biodiversity.
Study of innovative datasets and numerical methods, including AI-based
methods, in support of the above topics.
Design of medium and long-term risk management methods accounting for
potential policy changes and systemic alterations of market structures
and stability.
Impact of climate and nature risks on emerging markets and developing
Please submit your contributions through the journal’s web submission portal
before 30 April 2025. Please indicate in your submission that it is intended
for the ‘Special Issue on Climate and Nature Risk in Mathematical Finance’.
All submissions will undergo the usual review process for the journal.
Peter Tankov
Professor of quantitative finance, ENSAE, IP Paris
Phone: +33 1 70 26 68 73
Email: peter.tankov(a)
Dear all,
we are glad to announce the next DEMS seminar in Statistics:
*Wednesday, 5th March 2025*
*Time 12.00*, Seminar room 2104, Department of Economics, Management and
Statistics (DEMS)
Building U7, second floor, University of Milano - Bicocca
The speaker is Ziyi Song (University of California, Irvine).
*TITLE:* Clustering computer-mouse tracking data with informed hierarchical
shrinkage partition priors
*ABSTRACT:* Mouse-tracking data, which record computer mouse trajectories
while participants perform an experimental task, provide valuable insights
into subjects’ underlying cognitive processes. Neuroscientists are
interested in clustering the subjects’ responses during computer
mouse-tracking tasks to reveal patterns of individual decision-making
behaviors and identify population subgroups with similar neurobehavioral
responses.These data can be combined with neuroimaging data to provide
additional information for personalized interventions. In this article, we
develop a novel hierarchical shrinkage partition (HSP) prior for clustering
summary statistics derived from the trajectories of mouse-tracking data.
The HSP model defines a subjects’ cluster as a set of subjects that gives
rise to more similar (rather than identical) nested partitions of the
conditions. The proposed model can incorporate prior information about the
partitioning of either subjects or conditions to facilitate clustering, and
it allows for deviations of the nested partitions within each subject
group. These features distinguish the HSP model from other bi-clustering
methods that typically create identical nested partitions of conditions
within a subject group. Furthermore, it differs from existing nested
clustering methods, which define clusters based on common parameters in the
sampling model and identify subject groups by different distributions. We
illustrate the unique features of the HSP model on a mouse tracking dataset
from a pilot study and in simulation studies. Our results show the ability
and effectiveness of the proposed exploratory framework in clustering and
revealing possible different behavioral patterns across subject groups. The
paper has been published on Biometrics.
Best wishes,
Federico Camerlenghi
*Greening** Energy Market and Finance Erasmus Mundus Joint Master*
An “*Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master*” programme
Greening Energy Market and Finance - GrEnFIn is a* 24-month Erasmus Mundus
Joint Master* offering *120 ECTS*, culminating in *a multiple degree*
issued by *three partner universities:*
*1. **UNIBO, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna*
<>*, Italy, programme coordinator *
*2. **LMU, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München*
<>*, Germany, full partner *
*3. **UPD, Université Paris Dauphine* <>*,
France, full partner*
The best students selected, coming from all over the world, will have the
opportunity to join an exciting international environment and will be
trained to become *Sustainable Energy Experts*, *professionals able to face
the energy transition and the environmental challenges* capable of
addressing evolving challenges in the energy sector with a comprehensive
global perspective.
*March 3, 2025, *for EU and NON-EU candidates*. *
Prestigious Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available for the best
qualified applicants, covering fees and an allowance of €1400 monthly.
Associated partners will support the Programme in various ways, playing an
active role offering research opportunities to students, e.g. for
internship/RAship and Master thesis, delivering lectures at the annual
GrEnFIn Summer/Winter school or as guest lecturers at the three partner
- A *good level first-cycle degree* in the field of Mathematics,
Physics, Economics, Statistical Sciences, Information Technology,
- A *certified level of proficiency* *in English* (minimum level *B2*).
- An *adequate personal training* assessed on the basis of the academic
merit, the curriculum vitae and an online assessment test.
We would be very grateful if you could disseminate the information about
the opportunity offered by GrEnFIn-EMJM to interested students and
institutions as much as possible.
Should you need any further details or information, please do not hesitate
to contact us at the following address: grenfin.emjm(a)
*Séanadh Ríomhphoist/Email Disclaimer*
*Tá an ríomhphost seo agus aon
chomhad a sheoltar leis faoi rún agus is lena úsáid ag an seolaí agus sin
amháin é. Is féidir tuilleadh a léamh anseo. *
*This e-mail and any files
transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for use by the
addressee. Read more here.*
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Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the following SPASS seminar, jointly
organized by UniPi, SNS, UniFi and UniSi:
*The Random Euclidean Matching for Gaussian densities*
by *Francesca Pieroni *(*Sapienza*)
The seminar will take place on TUE, 04.03.2025 at 14:00 CET in Aula
Tricerri, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica "Ulisse Dini",
Università degli Studi di Firenze, and streamed online at this link
The organizers,
A. Agazzi, G. Bet, A. Caraceni, F. Grotto, G. Zanco
*Abstract: The Random Euclidean Matching is the problem of finding the
optimal matching between two sets of independent random variables X1,…,Xn
and Y1,…,Yn distributed in R^d with a probability density ρ. The main
problem is first to minimize the quantity Cn(π):=\sum_{i=1}^n|Xi-Yπi|^p
with respect to the permutations π of the indexes {1,…,n}, and then to
study the expectation of the minimum of Cn(π) with respect to the
probability distribution of the variables, for fixed p and d and for large
n.The object of this talk is the case of Gaussian random variables, that
is, when the variables are independent and distributed in R^d with the
Gaussian probability density.*
Dear all,
unfortunately, the next OWABI seminar, initially scheduled on February 27, has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Ayush Bharti's talk will be rescheduled on the 24th April.
Our next OWABI talk will be given by Meïli Baragatti<> (Assistant Professor Institut Agro Montpellier) on Approximate Bayesian Computation with Deep Learning and Conformal prediction on Thursday the 27th March 2025. More info will follow.
Massimiliano on the behalf of the OWABI Organisers
Dr. Massimiliano Tamborrino
Reader and WIHEA Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick
From: Tamborrino, Massimiliano
Sent: 13 February 2025 12:37
To: abc_world_seminar(a) <abc_world_seminar(a)>
Subject: OWABI - Ayush Bharti - Feb 27
Dear all,
the next OWABI seminar<> is scheduled on Thursday the 27th February at 11am.
I am pleased to inform you that our next speaker is Ayush Bharti (Aalto University), who will talk about "Cost-aware simulation-based inference ", with an abstract reported below.
The talk will be streamed on MS Teams on the OWABI Ms Teams channel OWABI Seminar: One World Approximate Bayesian Inference Seminar | General | Microsoft Teams<…>
You could join the meeting with the link and details below
Join the meeting now<…>
Meeting ID: 311 178 293 223
Passcode: zg3E8kw3
Important: The virtual lobby has been removed, so everyone should now be able to join the seminar without any authorisation.
Abstract: Simulation-based inference (SBI) is the preferred framework for estimating parameters of intractable models in science and engineering. A significant challenge in this context is the large computational cost of simulating data from complex models, and the fact that this cost often depends on parameter values. We therefore propose cost-aware SBI methods which can significantly reduce the cost of existing sampling-based SBI methods, such as neural SBI and approximate Bayesian computation. This is achieved through a combination of rejection and self-normalised importance sampling, which significantly reduces the number of expensive simulations needed. Our approach is studied extensively on models from epidemiology to telecommunications engineering, where we obtain significant reductions in the overall cost of inference.
Keywords: simulation-based inference, approximate Bayesian computation, neural posterior estimation, neural likelihood estimation, importance sampling
Massimiliano on the behalf of the OWABI Organisers
Dr. Massimiliano Tamborrino
Reader and WIHEA Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick
*Emerging Global Financial Systems:
Exploring Polarization, Systemic Risks, Innovation, and Sustainable
*Venice, Italy
25 –26 September 2025
*GRETA Associati* (Venice, Italy),*European Datawarehouse* (Frankfurt,
Germany), and *Intesa Sanpaolo *(Milan, Italy) are partners in
organasing a Conference to be held in Venice on September 25-26, 2025.
The CREDIT 2025 conference will bring together academics, practitioners
and PhD students working in various areas of financial and
socio-economic risk with the aim of creating a unique opportunity for
participants to discuss research progress and policy as well as
industry-relevant insights and directions for future research.
The CREDIT 2025 is the *twenty-fourth* in a series of events dedicated
to various aspects of risk and organised under the auspices of: the
*Department of Economics* and *VERA - Venice centre in Economic and Risk
Analytics for public policies* - of the *Ca’ Foscari University of
Venice*, *Joint Research Center European Commission*, and *ABI - Italian
Banking Association*.
Sustainability necessitates a global perspective, requiring the
adaptation of contemporary business and societal models to navigate the
dynamic landscape of the future. Policymakers and society must ensure
that resources, particularly technology, are utilized responsibly and
efficiently to enhance the well-being of both present and future
generations while cultivating a harmonious relationship with the
environment. This strategy is vital in addressing sustainability issues
such as poverty, environmental degradation, pollution, and inequality.
Effective global risk management is vital for bridging divisions and
fragmentation through innovation.
The organizers encourage submissions on any topic within the overall
theme of the conference and in the following areas in particular:
*Framing Global Challenges*
* Macroeconomic Polarization and Financial Fragmentation
o Economic bifurcation between advanced and emerging markets.
o Trade conflicts and their financial spillovers.
o Policy responses to maintain global economic stability.
* Geopolitical Risks and Global Financial Stability
o Implications of geopolitical tensions on global financial
markets: capital flows and volatility.
o Risk management strategies for financial institutions navigating
geopolitical uncertainty.
o The role of national and international economic policies:
shaping a new geopolitical and economic order.
* Technological Innovation in Finance and Insurance
o Digital transformation in the insurance sector: a driver of
resilience or disruption?
o Financing Deep Tech.
o Regulating innovation to balance opportunity and risk.
*Risk Management and Resilience*
* Climate Change as a Systemic Risk
o Impact of climate-induced events on financial and insurance markets.
o Climate risk modeling and its implications for global governance.
o Financing the green transition: opportunities for insurers and
institutional investors.
* Addressing Socioeconomic Disparities
o Polarization in wealth distribution and its implications for
insurance coverage.
o Designing inclusive financial products to address underinsurance
in vulnerable populations.
o The role of insurance in enhancing societal resilience to
systemic shocks.
*Towards a Sustainable Future*
* Innovating Governance for Future Risks
o Cross-border cooperation for risk regulation and mitigation.
o Addressing new risks in cyber security, health crises, and
technological disruptions.
o Innovative governance models in finance and insurance.
The final program will include both submitted and invited papers.
Acceptances received so far from invited speakers include *Andrew Lo
*(MIT Sloan School of Management). The Conference will also include
panel discussions on the major issues at stake with the views of
researchers', practitioners' and policy makers.
The SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE for the Conference consists of:
*Andrew Lo* (MIT Sloan School of Management, Programme Chair)
*Monica Billio *(Ca’ Foscari University of Venice & GRETA)
*Lucia Alessi *(Joint Research Center, European Commission)
*Marie Brière *(AMUNDI & Université Libre de Bruxelles)
*Mila Getmansky Sherman *(Isenberg School of Management, UMass Amherst)
*Marcin Kacperczyk* (Imperial College London)
*Jan Pieter Krahnen* (Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE &
Goethe University, Frankfurt)
*Steven Ongena *(University of Zurich, Swiss Finance Institute, KU
Leuven, NTNU Business School & CEPR)
*Loriana Pelizzon *(Ca’ Foscari University of Venice & Leibniz Institute
for Financial Research SAFE)
*Roberto Rigobon* (MIT Sloan School of Management)*
Stephen Schaefer *(London Business School)
*Marti Subrahmanyam* (NYU Stern Business School)
Those wishing to present a paper at the Conference should submit by *May
31, 2025 *to the address given below (preferably in electronic format).
Please indicate to whom correspondence should be addressed. Decisions
regarding acceptance will be made by *June 30, 2025*. The final version
of accepted papers must be received by August 31, 2025.
Please send papers to:
GRETA, Dorsoduro 3707, 30123, Venice, Italy
Phone : +39 349 060 3656 - e-mail: credit(a)
More detailed information available on the Conference website:
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
Call for Papers - International Workshop on Trustworthiness and Reliability in Neurosymbolic AI @ IJCNN2025
July 5th, 2025, Rome, Italy
Neurosymbolic AI is a new growing trend that has been able to merge the recent advances in AI through deep learning with logic and rule-based methods. The application of neurosymbolic AI seems to be spreading across many contexts, from image classification to Visual Question Answering. It has an expressive and semantic power that is not usually provided by classical deep learning. In addition, it has great potential in explainability, due to the logic-based methodologies that are a strong component of this context. These capabilities are only a starting point in XAI, they need to be explored in detail to facilitate the interpretability of whole models, in any part of them and not only in terms of the natural relationships that can be discovered. This workshop will focus on two main aspects:
1. Gives the possibility to extend the exploration of the explainability in multiple contexts, developing and adapting techniques that can be useful to relate classical deep learning approaches to their symbolic extensions.
2. Opens to the possibility to extend the understanding of neurosymbolic models to deep
aspects of AI.
These two concepts lead to the trustworthiness and reliability of the new trend of Neurosymbolic AI, increasing the confidence of end-users in choosing and believing in these methodologies for computer-aided applications.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Soft Computing methodologies
* Symbolic and Neurosymbolic AI
* Logic and Rule-based methods
* AI methods for explainability, interpretrability and reliability
* Resilient AI models
* From wide to task-specific methodologies
* Machine Learning and Deep Learning based AI methodologies
* Data-driven decision-making
* Multimodal Learning strategies
* Scalability and optimization of intelligent systems
* Generative AI and applications
The workshop is growing fast and organizers are happy to announce that a challenge has been launched for all passionate students and researchers! The topic is Explainable AI for Educational Question-Answering. All details can be found in the website challenge page.
- Submission due: March 20, 2025
- Notification to authors: April 15, 2025
- Camera-ready and early registration due: May 1st, 2025
Submissions must follow the IJCNN2025 rules ( Authors are invited to submit:
- Full papers, up to 8 pages
- Short papers, up to 4 pages
Short papers may also be presented in the poster session. Full and short papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Submission must be made on CMT using the following link:
General Chairs
- Prof. Angelo Ciaramella - University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
- Prof. Le Hoang Son - Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Prof. Emanuel Di Nardo - University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
Program Chairs
- Prof. Alessio Ferone - University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
- Prof. Antonio Maratea - University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
- Prof. Ihsan Ullah - Insight SFI Research Center for Data Analytics, University of Galway, Galway, Ireland
Technical Program Chairs
- Prof. Paola Barra - University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
- Dr. Lorenzo Di Rocco - Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Challenge Chairs
- Prof. Tho Quan - Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam
- Prof. Anh Nguyen - Department of IT and Economics, University of South Eastern Norway, Norway
- Prof. Fabien Baldacci - Université de Bordeaux, France
The call for papers and additional information about the workshop and challenge can be found at
È aperto il bando con scadenza 6 marzo 2025 per una posizione di ricercatore a tempo determinato in tenure-track (RTT) in Probabilità e Statistica Matematica (g.s.d. 01/MATH-03 - s.s.d. MATH-03/B) presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni dell'Università di Milano-Bicocca:
Si prega di condividere con potenziali candidati/e interessati/e.
Cordiali saluti,
Francesco Caravenna
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Via Cozzi 55, 20125 Milano, Italy
Office 3016, U5 building