*** AVVISO di SEMINARIO Dott. Simone Floreani Oxford University
TITOLO A system of interacting Bouchaud trap models
Abstract In this talk I will introduce a new interacting particle system consisting of interacting random walks in a trapping environment, known as Bouchaud trap models. I will show that the hydrodynamic equation emerging from such system is the Fractional Kinetics Equation, a sub-diffusive PDE. If time allows, I will also discuss some properties of the same system in contact with reservoirs. Based on projects with A. Chiarini (Padova), F. Redig (Delft) and F. Sau (Trieste).
Il seminario si terrà il giorno 31 Marzo 2023 ore 14:00 nella Sala Professori I Livello del Dipartimento Matematica e Applicazioni, Università di Napoli FEDERICO II, Complesso di Monte Sant'Angelo, Via Cintia, Napoli.
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Dott. Giacomo Ascione