Ricevo e inoltro.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Matthew Roberts mir20@bath.ac.uk Date: Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 10:00 AM Subject: Postdoc in Bath To: Marcel Ortgiese ma2mo@bath.ac.uk
Dear all,
We are currently advertising for a 3-year postdoc position in Bath to work with Marcel and me. The position starts on 1 March 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The postdoc is part of the EPSRC project "Interplay between geometry and randomness in fitness landscapes for expanding populations", but candidates will also be encouraged to work on other projects alongside this.
If you know anyone who might be interested in a project at the intersection of branching processes, random media and stochastic processes in evolutionary biology, please forward our email.
For more information about the university and how to apply, please see: https://www.bath.ac.uk/jobs/Vacancy.aspx?ref=ED10977 The application deadline is Wednesday 01 November 2023.
Best wishes, Matt