CALL FOR PAPERS for the 14th International Workshop on BAYESIAN INFERENCE IN STOCHASTIC PROCESSES (BISP14) CNR-IMATI, Milano, Italy, May26-28, 2025
CNR-IMATI (Institute of Applied Mathematicsand Information Technologies of the ItalianNational ResearchCouncil) isorganisingBISP14 atthe CNR ResearchAreain Via Alfonso Corti 12, Milano,Italy.
The webpageof BISP14 is
The invitedspeakers includeNicolas Bianco, François-Xavier Briol, David Dunson, Augusto Fasano, Beatrice Franzolini, Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Dani Gamerman, José Miguel Hernández-Lobato,Bernardo Nipoti,and ElizavetaSemenova.
Thereare twospecial invitedsessions: one organisedby Beatrice Franzolini onbehalf of j-ISBA (the ISBA junior section) and another on “Deep Neural Network and process priors for Bayesian inference”organisedby StefanoFavaro.
The series of BISP workshops started in 1998 and it has been held every otheryearsince2001. The workshop willprovidean opportunityto review, discussand exploredirectionsof developmentof BayesianInferencein StochasticProcesses.Theoreticaland appliedcontributionsare bothwelcome.
BISP14 isendorsedby ISBA (International Society for BayesianAnalysis), ISI(International Statistical Institute),and SIS(ItalianStatistical Society).
BISP14 willbe followed(May28 (afternoon) – 30) by the Eighthworkshopon Games and Decisionsin Reliability and Risk (GDRR) to be heldin MilanoatBocconi University. See
IMPORTANT DEADLINES: – 19November 2024:Start of registrationand abstracts' submission(detailsonthe website) – 1February2025: Start of payments (detailssentto registeredpersons) – 2February2025: Deadline for abstracts' submission – 16February2025: Decisionon acceptance – 6April 2025: Deadline for earlyregistrationfee(compulsoryfor presenters)
For information, pleaseleaveyourcontactsclickingon the KEEP ME INFORMED buttonin the BISP14 home page
Best regards,
Fabrizio Ruggeri and Elisa Varini /Chairs, Scientific and OrganisingCommittees/