International Scouting for Tenured Positions. The International School for Advanced Studies, (SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati), Trieste, Italy is looking for candidates to potential openings at the associate or full professor level in the fields of geometry or mathematical physics. The ideal candidate will have a strong research record. Candidates interested in a full professor position should have demonstrated outstanding ability in leading a research group and coordinating successful research projects. Commitment to teaching at the graduated level (MSc and PhD) and working with graduate students is a must. Preference will be given to candidates whose research is in one of the following areas:
Algebraic Geometry Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Theory Probability and Random Matrices
The International School for Advanced Studies ( is a leading international institution devoted to research in pure science (mathematics, physics and neuroscience), and to the training of young researchers in the above areas through a curricula leading to PhD and Master degrees. Successful candidates will have the opportunity of operating in a dynamic and young environment under excellent working conditions. Deadline for expression of interest: 15 November 2013. Late applications might be considered. Please send your CV including the list of publications, a research statement and the names and contacts of three referees.