Hacking Day at Mathematics for daTa scieNce is a series of crash courses (4-8hours) in special topics.
The second Hacking Day is Monday and Tuesday, 2019/01/28-29 on:
**Graphical Models** Eva Riccomagno (unige) Federico Carli (unige)
The course is an introduction to statistical models supported on finite graphs. The idea of modelling a complex system with a graph is present in various disciplines, from information theory to systems engineering to machine learning. In statistics a graphical model specifies conditional independence statements between random vectors, thus providing a statistical model for the joint distribution of observed variables. The graph has the advantage of providing a visual representation and is a powerful calculation tool. The course presents the basics of probabilistic graphical models, including their algebraic representations and basic software.
Further information are available at: http://datascience.maths.unitn.it/events/gm2019/index.html
Participation is free. Please send an email to Prof. Claudio Agostinelli (claudio.agostinelli@unint.it) by January 15, 2019 to confirm your attendance.
------------------------------------------------------------- Claudio Agostinelli Dipartimento di Matematica Universita' di Trento email: claudio.agostinelli@unitn.it ------------------------------------------------------------ Per favore non mandatemi documenti in Microsoft Office/Apple iWork. Spediscimi invece OpenDocument! http://fsf.org/campaigns/opendocument/
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