Ricevo ed inoltro.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Patricia Goncalves patricia.goncalves@math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt Date: Wed, May 15, 2019 at 5:41 PM Subject: Lisbon summer school To: Nicolas Perkowski perkowsk@math.hu-berlin.de, Marielle Simon < marielle.simon@inria.fr>, Jan Maas jan.maas@ist.ac.at, Bernardin Cedric < Cedric.BERNARDIN@unice.fr>, Grosskinsky, Stefan < S.W.Grosskinsky@warwick.ac.uk>, Stefano OLLA olla@ceremade.dauphine.fr, Giota B panbirba@gmail.com, Dimitrios Tsagkarogiannis dtsagkaro@gmail.com, Cristian Giardina cristian.giardina@unimore.it, < toninelli@ceremade.dauphine.fr>, Alessandra Faggionato < faggiona@mat.uniroma1.it>, Anna De Masi anna.demasi@gmail.com, Jonathon Peterson peterson@purdue.edu, Hendrik Weber hendrik.weber@warwick.ac.uk, Joe P. Chen joe.p.chen@gmail.com
Dear colleagues Could you please spread the announcement below? many thanks!
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Lisbon summer school Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 14:08:17 +0100 From: Gustavo Granja ggranja@math.ist.utl.pt ggranja@math.ist.utl.pt To: diaconisatmath Diaconis diaconisatmath@gmail.com diaconisatmath@gmail.com, Perla Sousi p.sousi@statslab.cam.ac.uk p.sousi@statslab.cam.ac.uk, Evita Nestoridi exn@princeton.edu exn@princeton.edu CC: Teresa Burnay tburnay@gulbenkian.pt tburnay@gulbenkian.pt, Orlando Neto orlando60@gmail.com orlando60@gmail.com, Jose Miguel Urbano jmurb@mat.uc.pt jmurb@mat.uc.pt, José Ferreira Alves jfalves@fc.up.pt jfalves@fc.up.pt
Dear lecturers,
1. The summer school now has a webpage: https://www.math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/talentos/school2019/index.html Please let us know if you find any mistakes or would like us to make any changes.
A tentative schedule is up at https://www.math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/talentos/school2019/tentativeschedule.ht... Again, please let us know if you would like us to make any changes.
2. Lisbon has become a very touristy city so it is quite hard to make hotel reservations in the Summer. Could you please write to Teresa Burnay (email above) as soon as possible and give her your arrival and departure dates? It is ok if these are still tentative as reservations can be changed at a later date if needed.
3. We will announce the school on two probability lists ( Women.in.Prob@gmail.com, APPLIEDPROB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK) with the email appended at the end of this message. Any help you can provide on spreading the word will be much appreciated.
———————— Dear colleagues,
A summer school on Probability aimed at ***undergraduate students*** sponsored by the Gulbenkian Foundation will take place in Lisbon from September 2 to 6, 2019. It will consist of three 5 hour courses by Persi Diaconis, Evita Nestoridi and Perla Sousi. Participants are only required to be familiar with linear algebra and multi-variable calculus. More information can be found at
The Gulbenkian Foundation will provide a limited number of 500 euro grants to support the travel and accommodation expenses of foreign participants. The webpage above contains instructions on how to apply for funding. The deadline is June 23rd.
If you have students who might profit from this summer school we would appreciate it if you could pass this information on to them.
On behalf of the organising committee,
Gustavo Granja