Cari colleghi,
giovedì Francesca Cottini kerrà un seminario presso l'Università di Trento. Trovate tutti i dettagli in calce a questa email.
Saluti, Michele Coghi
*Luogo:* l'evento si terrà in presenza in *Aula Seminari 1 – PovoZero* – Via Sommarive 14 e per via telematica attraverso collegamento alla *piattaforma Zoom*. Per partecipare sarà necessario collegarsi al link seguente e inserire i codici di accesso (da condividere solo con contatti fidati): ID riunione: 825 7890 3026 Passcode: 978062
*Data:* Giovedì 7 settembre 2023
*Ore:* 14:30
*Gaussian fluctuations for 2d directed polymers*
- *Francesca Cottini *(University of Luxembourg e National University of Singapore)
*Abstract: * The model of directed polymer in random environment describes a perturbation of the simple random walk caused by a random environment (disorder). In recent years, there has been extensive research on the partition functions of this model and its asymptotic behavior on large scale, also motivated by their link with the solution of the Stochastic Heat Equation. After introducing the model and its motivations, we will focus on the 2d case. We will provide an overview of the main results regarding the fluctuations of the partition functions in both the sub-critical regime (where a deep understanding has by now been obtained) and the critical regime (where many key questions are still open). We will also highlight the distinctions between these observed phenomena. We will then present an alternative and convenient technique to recover both existing and new results. This method is based on a novel CLT for polynomial chaos (i.e. a multi-linear polynomial of independent random variables) which only requires second moment computations. If time allows, we will also discuss the so-called quasi-critical regime, which bridges the gap between the sub-critical and the critical regime and identifies the most extended range where Gaussian fluctuations hold, before reaching the critical regime where they fail. The talk is based on joint works with Francesco Caravenna and Maurizia Rossi (University of Milano-Bicocca).
*Referenti: *Stefano Bonaccorsi e Michele Coghi
[image: Università di Trento]
*Staff di Dipartimento-Matematica* Università degli Studi di Trento Via Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo (TN) Tel. +39 0461 283898 - Francesca Stanca Tel. +39 0461 281980 - Michela Vinotti Tel. +39 0461 281511 - Davide Bortoli Tel. +39 0461 281625 - Orietta Osele Tel. +39 0461 281701 - Cinzia Parolari
-- Dr. Michele Coghi University of Trento, Math Department via Sommarive 14 - 38123 Povo (Trento) - I Povo 0, Room 2.91