Cari colleghi
il prossimo incontro per il ciclo di seminari Prisma (speaker: Francesco Caravenna e Maurizia Rossi) si svolgerà lunedì 7 Giugno alle ore 16 sulla piattaforma Teams; qui sotto il link, i titoli e gli abstract. Grazie per l'attenzione,
Domenico Marinucci e Claudia Ceci
Link collegamento:
Speaker: Francesco Caravenna (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Title: Central limit theorems in disordered systems and stochastic PDEs
Abstract: I will present some recent convergence results toward Gaussian processes, that arise from statistical mechanics models and stochastic PDEs connected to the so-called KPZ equation. These results may be viewed as generalised central limit theorems and they can be proved with a blend of old and new techniques, whose wide interest I will try to illustrate.
Speaker: Maurizia Rossi (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Title: The geometry of random waves
Abstract: In this talk we investigate the behavior of the "typical" eigenfunction of a compact Riemannian manifold. In particular, motivated by both Yau's conjecture on nodal sets and Berry's ansatz on planar random waves, we consider random spherical harmonics and study the distribution of the length of their nodal lines for large eigenvalues. These results raise several questions regarding both the distribution of other geometric functionals of excursion sets at any level and the behavior of nodal statistics of random eigenfunctions of a "generic" manifold. In this talk we answer some of these questions, relying on recent developments in the theory of local geometry of random fields and Gaussian Kinematic Formulae à la Adler & Taylor.