Dear Colleagues,
we are happy to announce the Summer School "/Risk and Uncertainty in Economics, Insurance and Finance/", which will be held at Bielefeld University in the period *July 3-7, 2023.*
The summer school will take place the week after the /11th General AMaMeF Conference/ ( ) and it is part of the /Activity Month //2023/ of the CRC 1283 ( ).
The summer school consists of the three lectures:
* /Mean Field Games with Applications in Economics/, by Fernando Alvarez (University of Chicago) * /Sharing and Managing Risk through Insurance: Markets and Models/, by Daniel Bauer (University of Wisconsin-Madison) * /Knightian Uncertainty and Statistics/, by Tommaso Denti (Cornell University)
which will be then complemented by selected talks held by the participants.
Further details can be found here:
*The registration will open at the end of March.*
All the best wishes and looking forward to welcoming you in Bielefeld in the Summer 2023,
Giorgio Ferrari and Frank Riedel