Dear All,
We are pleased to announce the conference
"Stochastic Control, Ambiguity and Games"
which will be held at the University of Leeds on 4th - 5th September 2017. This event aims to bring experts in stochastic control, robust optimisation and stochastic games in order to explore links between these areas.
Registration will open on 25th April and close on 9th July. There is a £50 registration fee which will cover lunch and coffee breaks for the two days, and a buffet dinner on the first evening of the conference. All necessary information can be found at
with the list of invited speakers at
If you would like to contribute a talk or a poster please contact us as soon as possible but not later than 6th June. We will notify you about acceptance of your talk by 14th June. All queries should be addressed to:
Tiziano De Angelis: Jan Palczewski:
We would be most grateful if you forwarded this announcement to anyone potentially interested.
Best regards,
Tiziano De Angelis and Jan Palczewski