Dear all,
I would like to inform you that Ariel Neufeld is looking for PhD students at NTU Singapore. Please find below a brief description of the positions.
Best regards, Alessandro Sgarabottolo
———————————————————————— PhD Positions in Mathematical Finance and Stochastic Optimization at NTU Singapore
There are PhD positions on offer within the research group of Ariel Neufeld at the Division of Mathematical Sciences at NTU Singapore.
The candidate should be interested in working in one (or more) of the following research topics:
* Mathematical Finance * Stochastic Analysis & Stochastic Optimal Control * Stochastic Optimization in the field of Numerical Optimal Transport, Distributionally Robust Optimization, or Machine Learning (Reinforcement Learning, Theory of Neural Networks)
If you are interested in the position, please send your CV to the email address: