The Universities of Milano Bicocca and Pavia have a *joint PhD program in Mathematics*, with the contribution of INdAM:
The call for admissions 2019/20 is open, with deadline June 13, 2019 at 12:00 (noon) Italian time:
(In English) (In Italian)
A total of 13 scholarships are available (6 by Milano Bicocca, 5 by Pavia, 2 by INdAM) in all areas of Mathematics, including Probability, Statistics and Mathematical Finance.
Requisites: Applicants should have a Master Degree or obtain it before October 31, 2019 Duration of the program: 3 years Coordinator: Prof. Pierluigi Colli (
A detailed description of the research topics carried out by the two participating departments is available at the respective websites:
Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics at the University of Milano Bicocca
Department of Mathematics “F. Casorati” at the University of Pavia