Ricevo e inoltro.
Da: Fabio Toninelli toninelli@math.univ-lyon1.fr Oggetto: postdoc position available on probabilistic approaches in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics Data: 18 novembre 2016 08:53:17 GMT+01:00
Dear Colleague,
A post-doctoral position is available from April 2017 or later within our research group on probabilistic approaches in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics:
The duration is one year, with possible extension for another year. The post-doctoral fellow will be working on one of the following topics:
- Macroscopic transport phenomena
- Slow and disordered dynamics
- Interface dynamics and KPZ equation
Depending on the topic, the research will be conducted in one of the institutes associated to our research group (see the web page). The post-doctoral fellow will receive a net salary of 2400 euros per month and benefit from health insurance.
Applications with a curriculum vitae and a brief research statement should be sent by the candidate before January 15, 2017 to Stefano Olla (olla@ceremade.dauphine.fr). The candidate will require at least one recommendation letter to be sent directly to Stefano Olla.
We would be grateful if you could publicize this offer among the PhD graduates of your department.
Yours sincerely
S. Olla, T. Bodineau, F. Toninelli. —————————————————-
-- Fabio Toninelli Institut Camille Jordan, Universite' Lyon 1 43 bd du 11 novembre 1918 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Office 105, tel: +33 (0) 4 26 23 44 41