Dear Colleagues,
we would like to invite you to the following seminar that will take place on November 26 at 14.30, at the Department of Mathematics “Tullio Levi-Civita”, University of Padova. The seminar may also be attended online via the Zoom platform.
Speaker: Vittoria Silvestri (Università di Roma La Sapienza) Title: Planar aggregation with subcritical fluctuations and the Hastings-Levitov models
NOVEMBER 26 (Friday) - 14:30
In presence: room 2BC30, Torre Archimede, Via Trieste 63, Padova Online: Zoom link (meeting ID 884 9603 5657) , available also on the webpage
Abstract: The ALE (Aggregate Loewner Evolution) models describe growing random clusters on the complex plane, built by iterated composition of random conformal maps. A striking feature of these models is that they can be used to define natural off-lattice analogues of several fundamental discrete models, such as Eden or Diffusion Limited Aggregation, by tuning the correlation between the defining maps appropriately. In this talk I will discuss shape theorems and fluctuations of ALE clusters, which include Hastings-Levitov clusters as particular cases, in the subcritical regime. Based on joint work with James Norris (Cambridge) and Amanda Turner (Lancaster).
On behalf of the organizers,
Marco Formentin