---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 12:26:35 +0200 From: Prof. Claudio Pacati claudio.pacati@unisi.it To: Tiziano Vargiolu vargiolu@math.unipd.it Subject: Bando SECS-S/06 II fascia a Siena
Caro Tiziano,
puoi diffondere sulla tua mailing list e su RANDOM questa informazione?
Grazie, Claudio
The Department of Economics and Statistics calls for an Associate Professor full time position in the scientific sector SECS-S/06 (Mathematical methods of economy, finance and actuarial sciences). Application term: August 4, 2016. Call:http://www.unisi.it/albo_pretorio/bandi/concorsi_interni/1-posto-di-profess ore-universitario-di-ruolo-fascia-degli-76 (direct link to the English text: http://www.unisi.it/sites/default/files/bando_inglese_23_13.pdf).
From the call:
The candidate is a scholar with proven and relevant research activity and proven teaching experience, both undergraduate and graduate, also in English, on mathematical methods and tools (including scientific computing and data processing) useful in the construction and in the analysis of models and problems related to finance, to the analysis of financial markets, to financial risk management. He or she will be required to teach the following courses: Financial Mathematics (undergraduate, in Italian or English), Financial Modeling (graduate, in English).
The selection committee will adhere to the following judging criteria: - Degree of internationalization of research activity. - Analytic evaluation of the scientific production, with particular regard to impact and diffusion in the corresponding scientific community and its international relevance, also considering the main bibliometric indicators used in the same scientific community. The selection committee has to consider originality, innovativeness, methodological strictness of the scientific production and the degree of independence of the candidates. For the evaluation of the scientific production, candidates are required to submit a maximum of twelve (12) publications. - Proven teaching experience in the reference scientific sector (Mathematical methods of economy, finance and actuarial sciences).
A proven ability to organize and coordinate national and international research groups and national or international awards, contribute to the appreciation of the candidate.
The commission may ask candidates to hold a seminar in English.
-- prof. Claudio Pacati Dean of the School of Economics and Management Department of Economics and Statistics University of Siena p.zza S. Francesco, 7 I-53100 Siena (Italy) tel. +39 0577 232772