Ricevo e con piacere inoltro.
Da: Alessandro Giuliani alessandro.giuliani@uniroma3.it Oggetto: First announcement - QFT conference in Roma, 15-17 sept 2025
Dear colleagues,
it is a pleasure to announce the conference
which will take place on September 15-17, 2025, at the Department of Physics of Sapienza Università di Roma.
The conference is the closing event of the PRIN project "Mathematical Interacting Quantum Fields" and it will focus on the long-standing problem of the non-perturbative foundation of Quantum Field Theory.
Recent years have seen a revived interest both of mathematicians and physicists on this central question. New techniques and approaches are being developed by different communities. This conference aims at gathering researchers with different backgrounds and favoring a constructive dialogue about methods and future research directions.
The list of speakers is attached below.
The REGISTRATION is free but mandatory (deadline: March 21, 2025) and is available on the workshop website:
For additional informations, please write at alessandro.giuliani@uniroma3.it mailto:alessandro.giuliani@uniroma3.it.
Please feel free to circulate the announcement among colleagues and students who may be interested in the event.
With best regards,
Alessandro Giuliani and Vieri Mastropietro
Roland Bauerschmidt (NYU) Sourav Chatterjee (Stanford) Jon Dimock (SUNY Buffalo) Jürg Fröhlich (ETH Zurich) Giovanni Gallavotti (Roma Sapienza) Holger Gies (FSU Jena) Alessandro Giuliani (Roma Tre) Razvan Gurau (Heidelberg) Clement Hongler (EPFL Lausanne) David Kaplan (Washington) Igor Klebanov (Princeton) Christoph Kopper (Polytechnique Palaiseau) Antti Kupiainen (Helsinki) Marcos Mariño (Geneva) Vieri Mastropietro (Roma Sapienza) Kasia Rejzner (York) Slava Rychkov (IHES) Manfred Salmhofer (Heidelberg)