A tutti gli interessati
The 13th International Conference on Extreme Value Analysis that will be hosted by Bocconi University from June 26 to June 30, 2023 in Milan. Please, see
The EVA conference aim is to bring together researchers in Extreme Value Theory, Methods and its Applications. The conference will be concerned with a broad spectrum of topics ranging from
* Heavy-tailed phenomena; * Time series; Large deviations; * Multivariate modelling; Rare events; * Spatio-temporal processes;
* Machine Learning; * Graphical Modelling; * Big data; * Networks;
and will include many important applications such as
* Energy Systems; * Climate; * Public Health; * Epidemiology; * Life Sciences; * Insurance and Finance.
The registration is still open, please visit the subsection "Registration" of the conference website,
Yours sincerely, Simone Padoan - chair of the organising committee
Clément Dombry - chair of the scientific committee
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