---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2019 18:47:21 +0100 From: Idris Kharroubi idris.kharroubi@upmc.fr To: undisclosed-recipients: ; Subject: Advances in Financial Mathematics 2020
The conference "Advances in Financial Mathematics 2020" supported by the chair Risques Financiers
will take place from january 14 to january 17 2020 at the Cordeliers campus in Paris. It will address topics of particular relevance for the practice of financial risk management : market liquidity, market microstructure, risk measures, numerical methods, model calibration and model risk, robustness, credit/Default/Counterparty risk, regulatory aspects, non-linear valuation, hedging, systemic risk, game theory, blockchain.
Registration is free but compulsory on the website
On Behalf of the organizing committee,
Idris Kharroubi Professor Laboratoire de Probabilit?s, Statistique et Mod?lisation Sorbonne University -
Facult? of Science and Engineering