ricevo e inoltro p.c..
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2023 13:17:46 +0100 From: Cyril ROBERTO To: Cyril ROBERTO Subject: Second announcement "61 Probability Encounters, In honour of Sergey Bobkov", Toulouse, May 29th - June 2nd, 2023
Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to participate in the conference "61 Probability Encounters, In honour of Sergey Bobkov" to be held in Toulouse, May 29th - June 2nd, 2023. A tentative list of speakers can be found below and on the dedicated webpage
Inscription is fre but mandatory.
Looking very much forward to seeing you in Toulouse,
With all best wishes, The organizers (Alexander Koldobsky, Michel Ledoux, Pascal Maillard, Cyril Roberto, Boguslaw Zegarlinski)
P.S.: Please bring this conference to the attention of graduate students, postdocs and colleagues who may be interested. P.P.S.: Sorry for the multiple instances of the same message.
List of speakers:
Tentative list of speakers:
Fanny Augeri (Toulouse) * Esther Bou Dagher (Imperial College of London) Pietro Caputo (Roma 3) Patrick Cattiaux (Toulouse) Andrea Colesanti (Firenze) Dario Cordero-Erausquin (Paris) Eskenazis, Alexandros (Paris) Max Fathi (Paris) Fradelizi, Matthieu (Marne la Vallée) Friedrich Götze (Bielefeld) Michael Goldman (Paris) Nathael Gozlan (Paris Descartes) Diana Halikias (Cornell) Alderic Joulin (Toulouse) Gil Kalai* Klartag Boaz (Weizmann) Rafal Latala (Warsaw) Galina Livshyts (Georgia Tec) Mokshay Madiman (Delaware, USA) James Melbourne (CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico) Emanuel Milman (Technion) Mario Milman (Florida) Oleszkiewicz, Krzysztof (Warsaw) Marta Strzelecka (Warsaw) Liran Rotem (Technion) Ramon van Handel ( Princeton) Volberg, Alexander Feng-Yu Wang Artem Zvavitch (Kent)
* = To be confirmed.